Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bah Bah Bus

One of these days I’ll get on that bus and go ‘Baahhh’ at the driver. Like sheep, we herd ourselves into a tin can every morning
No one but no one asks why is the bloody thing late , or where was the last service?
Just get on


I have rules about what folks can do when I’m on the bus.

You may not stand too near me, or swing around with your bags, so that I get biffed in the face.
Go eat your breakfast somewhere else.


Us Brits like to stew in silence: it’s a tradition that anyone standing, does not move down the gangway. Nope.
The blokes like to lean against the rail, being macho and a bloody nuisance, as no one can get past them and their cruddy backpacks..

Of course when a Yank got on, and found no standing room, all that changed.
“Will you guys all move down the bus?”
There was a sort of multiple shuffle and lots of unspoken resentment.

Blokes are the worst, they have to talk loudly, spread themselves over several places, and they like to rest their size 12’s on the opposite seat
Not when I get on, they don’t.

And to the lady who sat behind me, talking for the entire journey about the delights of meditation and lavender oil

Drink the stuff , meditate, whatever.


Either way, we all get some peace.