President George W. Bush said that the global economy downturn was due to Wall Street 'getting drunk'.
23 Jul 2008
Clunk, clonk, clang… and we all laugh
Most presidents get their brains fried - I think the Shrub must have started life that way. But, no cause to be so happy for us Brits.
We have Grunps Gordon, who exhorted us to “Stop wasting Food!” last week.
Bloody Hell, last heard that one when I was a nipper in School as we chewed our way through leather sausages and soggy vegs.
The Grump definitely belongs to the department of ’ Exhort and all will be well’
In translation: ‘Nag, and believe all will be well’
In spirit and intent, Gordon Browne belongs to the 19C , when moralistic urgings towards the lowly and immoral populace were common practice.
The trouble is that our Prime Minister is full of good intentions, and shit, when it comes to understanding the century he lives in.
Knife killings in Britain?
No problem, everyone who carries a knife will be sent to jail. How simple can you be?
We have a generation growing up who are detached, antagonistic, and live outside the perimeters.
The knife carrying is a result, not the cause, of the violence in our streets. Browne doesn’t comprehend the need to lift the blanket and look underneath; George Bush spends all his time wrapped up in one.
We laugh at our politicians, snigger at the Shrub’s bon- mots and ignore Browne’s pontifications.
In reality, we have leaders who fail us all.