There is a coldness in the air, here in Britain and I am not referring to the freezing winds of May which will cause Shakespeare’s ‘darling buds’ to become frost bitten if it doesn’t warm up soon.
No, I refer to the ongoing furore over our parliamentary members and their astonishing inability to understand the difference between right and wrong.
Nothing new you may say, and you are right – politicians are not renowned for their morality but I would suggest that their indifference, indeed their blatant lack of interest in the people who voted them into office has reached a new high.
(Denis the Menance , Beano comics, UK)
Some MPs got caught and some owned up; all of them protested that ‘It was within the rules’
Not good enough.
Reclaiming for non-existent mortgages, four thousand pounds worth of electronics, expenses for the wife, the gardener, are not within the rules.
Now it seems, we have to re-educate our politicians in some very basic ethics.
It is not the rule that ‘Thou shalt defraud the taxpayer’ at all times.
Some one ought to point this out to the Prime Minister .