The long hot summer the weather pundits promised us over here in the UK, has been and gone, all two weeks of it.
The rains are back, the clouds are grey, things are back to normal, and folks are wearing their macks again and clutching umbrellas.
(That’s weather- wear and parasols to you Yanks)
At least we had the European elections.
Elections can be fun before you all start groaning, yes they can.
I encountered the glories of the ‘Roman Party' headed by a certain ‘Jean-Louis Pascual’
‘The Roman Party. Ave!”
Has a certain ring to it, don’t it but that’s all you get, no posters, no leaflets, so I went hunting on the Web.
His web page is a masterpiece of non – information; here it is
Position: Bus Driver
Interesting Fact: Jean Louis was born in France.
His manifesto suggests that
“…we should consider moving British jail to other Eastern European countries to run at less costs for the British tax payers we could seek permission of Vladimir Putin President of Russia. the reason for this is most British jails are run like hotels and sanctuaries.”
I wonder if Mr Putin would be interested in the idea? I rather like it myself.
Some quotes from his fans on the Web
Q: “What did the Romans do for us anyway?
A: Aqueducts and Months of the Year
Q: Does anyone know anything about Jean Lous Pascual?
A: “He is a bus driver from Reading who puts himself forward for elections and gets about 20 votes. “
A: “He likes strutting his stuff in a little leather tunic or maybe a toga turns him on?”
I look forward to the day when Jean Louis becomes President of France. I’m sure he will be a howling success.
And he writes his manifesto in crayon.