After the events of the 7th July I had to take some time out – rather like many others I suspect.
I am sure many blogs are expressing the anger and the sorrow of that day.
Those of us Brits who live outside London can hardly believe the apparent peace of our surroundings.
News pages, TV newscasts, make for harrowing viewing, the continuing pain of people searching for loved ones, makes your heart ache.
Amid the darker notes, lighter notes can be seen.
In small things.
Two days after the bombs, I walked down to the river, stop to confer with the lock-keeper. We are concerned for the safety of the coots' five chicks.
A seagull attacked last week, and he isn't sure if they survived. I can find two chicks, now so well grown they have gained their adult colouring.
"Not a bad attrition rate" says the keeper when I report the survival of two chicks.
The fate of the moorhens and their babies still cause concern.
Sounds idyllic. Are you going to post some pictures of your lovely environs? After the events of last week we all need to be soothed.
I have found some photos of Iffley Lock taken by a friend of mine- yes I'll put some on
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