Sunday, July 31, 2005

Not a Happy Kraut

Watching the news this week , makes for uncomfortable viewing in Britain. It’s over here, it’s a few miles away, places, many of us have used in the past without a second thought.

I think what really pisses me off is the loss of innocence.

Watching the faces of residents evacuated from Notting Hill this week as the police made an armed raid on a block of flats, the bewilderment and the fear made me realise what we have

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We know too much about the face of terror now.

You and I won’t be the same, none of us will be the same. Pick up our bags and move on, re-adjust to the world.

On a lighter note, even the humble spud isn’t safe. I have a friend who works in agricultural research, potatoes to be precise. From Germany, comes her anguished email.

Some assehole had stolen her experimental spuds. I expect her prime, disease resistant potatoes disappeared into the evening dinner.

Not a Happy Kraut.

The buggers even stole her scarecrow. Yep.

Top of the British Blogs


Anonymous said...

AND last week they burned down our little hut we kept assorted agrarian implements in. From my working boots there wasn't so much as the sole left. Nasty.

Red Fred said...

Oh lor, yer hut as well...what depravity amid the spuds!!!

Mad Dog said...

Is it "Ecowarriors" doing this? To me that's just another form of terrorrism...

Red Fred said...

Yes it is terrorrism, absolutely.
Another form of violence when you think about it, designed to hurt.

Steve said...

That's nothing - someone stole my innocence.

Anonymous said...

That's nothing, someone stole my bracers