Ok, merely to say that piles of paperwork have morphed into a real job, oh, yes, proper work you know, down the salt-mines again, yep.
On rare moments of breathing in the last week, I caught glimpses of the real world out there – or is it?
At the beginning of the week, get fairly transfixed by Government rumblings on car tax. Rather, use of car to be taxed say the Whitehall bods.
“Motorists to be taxed by the mile!” scream the headlines.
Quick as a flash Railtrack hit back.
‘Due to the expected increase in passenger use of the railways’, they announce without missing a beat ‘We shall have to increase the price of the passenger ticket’.
Game, set, and match.
So, this country wants us to go to work, right?
So, don’t matter if it’s the guzzling car, or the public transport, right?
Us the workers get clobbered both ways. This country is Looney Tunes, how does the economy work, if its folks can’t get to freakin’ work? Huh?
Still, take comfort folks, the Yanks have looney tunes operating over there as well.
My ears are ok, I think they are, but I did hear Georgie Boy announce in a recent address to the Nation, that ‘ The continued insurgence in Iraq is due to 9/11, 2001’.
Ahh, no, no, no. Yes, yes, he repeated the theme, five times in that speech.
He kinda forgot the Yanks (and the Brits unfortunately) invading Iraq, staying in Iraq, not leaving Iraq.
Next time I meet the local voodoo lady in our neighbourhood, I’m gonna shake her by the hand and tell the old witch what a good job she’s doing. Yep.