Rostock was simply great fun – for Christmas, it’s a gas!
Serious stuff, these Christmas markets – don’t go if you are easily tempted. Nope, don’t.
Eating is a must, I mean, you must eat there and everyone enjoys it….this a queue for potato cakes
A man with lama advertises the circus…..
I try to impress the lama
I fail
And last but not least – The Hat
I blame the Kraut – its her fault, totally and absolutely that I bought it – I will never get over this
And don’t play with my plaits.
Or else.
Oh what a luverlee hat.
Watch it four-eyes...just watch it
If dat idn't a lovely hat now I don't know wot is! Rarely, niver, saw anythin' so absolutely suitin' to the wearer!
I shall make a decree that it is forbidden to laff at me hat plaits - good that folks can appreciate the Hat!
*dignified sniff*
Ain't I sayin' so! Great hat! Very erm ahem appropriate! Yes dats the very word, appropriate.
I once knew a Professor of Pathology who kept a lama (or llama) as a pet. reaaly nothing in the world can prepare you for the sight of one of these animals trotting through the house like the family dog! Not much can be done to prepare for the vision of The Hat either...! Have a lovely holiday!
I think its the plaits that give the Hat that final something..perhaps I should have posted a health warning about it; I feel responsible for giving Mad Dog a pause in his heart-beat.
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