Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Scary Stuff

I’ve actually heard someone say ‘Work it out for yourself. I’m not telling you what to do’.
About time too, I’m really pissed off with various State agencies telling us all how to breath.
In and out?

Nope, it’s a scary world out there kiddies, and Nanny State wants all us boys and girls, to be very very careful.

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Bunch of wankers.

We are raising our kids to be afraid. The next generation of adults will be the ‘Fearful’ generation. Don’t go out, don’t take risks, don’t live. And on no account, eat anything that hasn’t been sterilised to death.

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Who said ‘Work it out for yourself.’? Some bloke advertising breakfast cereal. Pity it wasn’t one of our political masters.

Living is a risky business. Daresay the EU, or the Department of Social Services will put a stop to that.

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Top of the British Blogs

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Socks, bloody socks

Blokes live in delusion- they do. Blokes say things like
’I’m going shopping’
Excuse me? What is this ‘Shopping’?

I’ll tell you. It consists of buying socks, just bloody socks.
This is how it works.

Walk in to the store. Turn left, go to sock counter, obtain black/brown socks, which are IDENTICAL to all the other socks that are nestling in the cupboard back home.

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For you Yanks, I’m talking about your bedroom closet. Got that? Good.

Then they look at you and say they’ve been shopping – for God’s sake, you could get that much of a thrill going to Tescos (Yank-speak= Grocery Store, Wal-Mart, whatever)

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Try saying words like “And what about looking around the store?” and you are an alien. What for? Why look, when I, (The Bloke) know what I want.

Yeah, yeah, we know – Black Socks

Oh sorry – I forgot. Sometimes blokes branch out… and guess what?

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They buy ‘Black Shoes’ just like the shoes that they..yes, you have it, just like the ones they bought last year.

Walk in to the store. Turn left……


Top of the British Blogs