I’ve actually heard someone say ‘Work it out for yourself. I’m not telling you what to do’.
About time too, I’m really pissed off with various State agencies telling us all how to breath.
In and out?
Nope, it’s a scary world out there kiddies, and Nanny State wants all us boys and girls, to be very very careful.
Bunch of wankers.
We are raising our kids to be afraid. The next generation of adults will be the ‘Fearful’ generation. Don’t go out, don’t take risks, don’t live. And on no account, eat anything that hasn’t been sterilised to death.
Who said ‘Work it out for yourself.’? Some bloke advertising breakfast cereal. Pity it wasn’t one of our political masters.
Living is a risky business. Daresay the EU, or the Department of Social Services will put a stop to that.
Oh boy blogger let me delete my comment..What I wanna know is can I have a nanny that looks like Mary Poppins ???????
Mary Poppins eh? Oh my, got a problem Bunny here!
Treatment is advisable...*smothered guffaw*
Goodness me, TF, you are beginning to sound like an American. Let everyone have guns, I say (only partly in jest)...
Sometimes, MadDog....I feel like an American....but at least I don't have a yen for Mary Poppins!!!
Sometimes I feel like a French Maid in frilly knickers, sometimes I feel like a banana or a doughnut.
With Hallowe'en approaching, I may well feel like a pumpkin.
*Smugly* Of course, RF, there may be times when I feel like a feel - *not armed, are you?*
...and another thing. To feel like an American *unless drowned in good whisky* could alienate you to certain factions *come to think of it, they probably wouldn't like the alcohol, either*
Ahhh, nuts. Take that as you will.
Rant on, Red Fred... *burp*
Now look here Scary Fairy, I refuse to allow frilly knickers here- this used to be a respectable blog *bitterly*
I suggest you gather your nuts and your knickers, an' make yourself scarce....
Otherwise, I postulate that you won't (in the future) be feeling anything....*grim smile*
I apologise unreservedly, Red Fred *smarmily* - 'specially as I've started coming out in postules...
You are the queen of the Rant *grovel* and I should not offend yer queenship.
How's that fer sincerity?
That's awful....a smarmy hairy fairy.....Arghhhh
yeah but no but when do I get this nanny you promised ?
Let us not worry about whether poor old hairy is a fairy or not...when do I get my Poppins look a like nanny... ???????
For an exorbitant fee..I can give you the address of a Treatment Centre, where all the nurses look like Mary Poppins.
I'm told the Aversion Therapy works a treat. *choke*
So finally the Fear Factor has reached the UK? Where the f**k have you Brits been?!? the $hrub has been preachin' fear since, well, forever.
We're all going to need some kind of treatment. And I'm still lost as to why PM Blair-Blah went along with the $hrub. See, some Yanks think the Brits have brains, and when we see PM Blah-Blah go along with the $hrub, we're like, "WTF?"
Maybe I should just go to Disney World and pretend it's all okay for a day or two?
I would say lil sis, that the climate of fear, along with the Nanny State, could be found in the UK, well before Bush came to power. It's a culture/sociology factor, as much as a political one.
As for why Blah Blah hooked up with the Shrub - no one else in Europe wanted to be friends with either of 'em!
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