Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Stay A Frog

Now that Valentine’s day is safely over, I guess all the blokes can go back to their normal slobby selves: not being unkind, well, not very.

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I realise that it’s hard on blokes – suddenly they have to change.

One moment, the brain cell(s) of a bloke are safely occupied with getting laid (or not), going for a beer, or escaping from the Missus.

Note, one thought at a time, no multi-tasking going on here.
Valentine’s Day arrives and hey presto…

It’s time to be the great Romantic


Most guys do fine on the first two items: but when it comes to the Underwear bit, forget it.

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Stay a Frog.

Blokes fail big time – I’ve seen ‘em in the shops, terrified, trying to be invisible among the bras and knickers, with the girl at the cash desk having a good snigger.
Go back to the flowers and the chocs, and remember the card.

No card? Big heap trouble. Go jump off a cliff.

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Once Valentine's is over, a bloke can relax and be his happy frog self again
‘Ribbet, Ribbet’

Top of the British Blogs

Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Pope's Knickers

Lace makers move into G-strings
Renowned lace makers in the Polish village of Koniakow have found a new way of boosting sales - sexy underwear.
Artisans who used to create gowns and altar cloths for customers such as the late Pope now craft G-strings and other lingerie for sale all over the world.
BBC News

Apparently some people in this region were outraged, and feel that the Pope and underwear shouldn’t ..er.. ‘co-habit’
Surely the Pope has to wear knickers – oh all right, pants, then.
Underpants, if you are going to be pedantic about it.

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I mean, can’t wear G-strings can he, not even lacy ones – I am trying to wrench my mind away from that particular vision

Hard though….it’s like trying to imagine your headmistress in a red satin corset, innit?

Don’t believe me? Go here

The Pope’s Lace Pants

See? Told you so.

Top of the British Blogs