Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Stay A Frog

Now that Valentine’s day is safely over, I guess all the blokes can go back to their normal slobby selves: not being unkind, well, not very.

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I realise that it’s hard on blokes – suddenly they have to change.

One moment, the brain cell(s) of a bloke are safely occupied with getting laid (or not), going for a beer, or escaping from the Missus.

Note, one thought at a time, no multi-tasking going on here.
Valentine’s Day arrives and hey presto…

It’s time to be the great Romantic


Most guys do fine on the first two items: but when it comes to the Underwear bit, forget it.

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Stay a Frog.

Blokes fail big time – I’ve seen ‘em in the shops, terrified, trying to be invisible among the bras and knickers, with the girl at the cash desk having a good snigger.
Go back to the flowers and the chocs, and remember the card.

No card? Big heap trouble. Go jump off a cliff.

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Once Valentine's is over, a bloke can relax and be his happy frog self again
‘Ribbet, Ribbet’

Top of the British Blogs


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... *burp*
What is this you are meaning?
Are you anti-French? Or do you mean your Aunty was French?
I am 'appy to be a sweet froggy - we aire ze moist *sorry, most* romantic creatures at ANY time of ze year. As for you English wiz your *underwear...* Pah! I spit on your underwear *after I've finished trying it on - somezing else we froggys do so well...*
Of course we shall stay a frog - ze chances of finding a princess in your country are ever-diminishing - All ze princesses come to Paris, but zat is anozzer story, n'est ce pas?
Maybe it is because we are wet and slippery is why you call us *pond life, maybe?*
Gribbet, gribbet *to the tune of The Marsellaise*

Red Fred said...

You can ribbet all you like, no princess is gonna to kiss you, are they? Nope.
So hop back to yer sludge,and maybe you'll get to thrill a newt.
And maybe not.

(ORIGIN from an 'ewt' from Old English efeta ‘eft’)

Or an 'Eft'.

Anonymous said...

Luckily, my Mr. Wonderful is not from Frogdom - maybe because he was born in France?

Until Mr. Wonderful, though, I went through my share of frogs....I'm glad I left them behind so they can ribbet at another woman.

I'm guessing, though, they ribbet alone.

and that thought makes me happy ;)

Red Fred said...

Quite right, lil sis - leave the frogs to ribbet in the pond mud