Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Stiff Upper Lip

There are some places, a bloke will not boldly go, in fact he won’t go there at all – and I can assure you, it requires a stiff upper lip for anyone to investigate these dark and noisome places.

And before any blokes spring to the defence, and proclaim how new age you all are, don’t bother – the caveman lives


There is a Land behind the Cooker, where festering substances have parties and celebrate their long life.
I do not exaggerate, I only observe.
Inside the cooker?

Forget it, blokes just burn stuff and wonder why the oven is sending out smoke signals.

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What I like is the look of blank surprise (but very faint interest) on a bloke’s face, when you inform him that parts of his cave are supporting a whole new eco-system, most of them alien to human life

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Beam me up, Scotty.


Top of the British Blogs


Anonymous said...

'Ere, RedFred - Wot's a cooker???
I got a microwave in me garage - maybe that's it.
Yep. That must be it.

Anonymous said...

Alien life forms in the kitchen? Of course. The Kraken lairs in the kitchen sink, from where it regularly snakes a long arm out to see what it may grab. It can reach into all corners.

Anonymous said...

I don't go anywhere near the cooking thingy. That's a job for Mrs Zaphod.
I do worry about the Kraken though. If it got hold of Mrs Zaphod I might atarve !!!!

Anonymous said...

So, if I've got it right:-(
The Kreepy Kracken Krept Quietly thru the Kitchen and Kunningly Koncealed itself behind the Kooker...
Sounds like a good reason to avoid Kooking to me - it'll be fish 'n chips tonight...
Haw, haw...

Red Fred said...

Well, Zap, you had better be extra nice to Mrs Zap, and hope the kreepy Kraken doesn't get her, hmm?

As for you Delicia, no Kraken is living in any kitchen of mine *dusts hands*

I always thought Egon Thicky avoids cooking anyway....yup.

Anonymous said...

That's too funny. All my life I thought it was just an American guy thing, but it's an all guy thing.

At least with frost-free refrigerators we don't have to scrape our way through the kitchen as in the old days... ;)

Red Fred said...

Lil Sis' it's a Universal thing with guys (most of 'em)

Clean the Fridge.....?
Ha ha ha ha, forgive me while I choke, disclosures about the glutinous substances I have found are not for the sqeamish, Nope.