I have always found our current Prime Minister to be the most boring man in politics ; as his career has teetered on, my sense of boredom has increased to a comatose state, if not corpse like. But we’re getting there
Most politicians are venal, self seeking and deceitful, I accept that - par for the course, and why should we expect anything else?
But they don’t bloody bore me to tears: Gordon Brown does, and always has. He reminds me of William Gladstone who bored Queen Victoria to tears (I expect)
Most politicians are basically nuts - they are actors, they assume a persona, and indulge in theatrical stunts. Depending on which part a politician thinks he or she, is playing, the script changes.
It varies from ‘I’m your best buddy’ and ‘Depend on Me’ or ‘I am a caring sharing erk, who likes the bars in the House of Commons.’
Gordon is too boring to be nuts, and fails to entertain, big time. His recent bid for sainthood provoked understandable fury from the food chain bosses.
I refer to his crusade to..yes….Banish Plastic Bags!
Gordon thundered in the House, he waxed lyrical about a land free from the dreadful bags. The evil evil supermarkets would be made to pay, oh yeah.
To give the food business some credit, they passed the post well before the boring Gordon; the promotion of bags for life got started over a year ago, and to be trendy over here, you gotta have a store bag.
John Lewis do the best ones, lined , you know with a rather tasteful logo.
(I have a Tesco’s bag as well, decorated with strawberries. Uh Huh.)
By the time we get round to the next General Election, I shall be a political Zombie - and if boring Gordon wins?
Don’t wake me up.
I have a really nice M and S bag that I carry my dvd player in when I go to dialysis.
Anyway, I think Brownie should be sent back to jockland where he slid out from.
I dint think anybody still bothered ta comment on the subject of politics or indeid - politicians -endearin somehow- naive but endearin....
Your problem, Delicia, is that you are suffering from pangs of envy, cos you ain't got a tasteful store bag
Very nice them M&S bags, Zap - they do one with a nice wooden handle; you got that one?
No, not the wollen one. I has the black one.
Sadly, They haven't got around to pretty store bags in Rostock - they still use string bags to carry their potatoes.
Zaphod shows some measure of taste in his choice of store bag and a correct attitude with respect to the earthy-coloured one.
I, personally, have an exceedingly varied collection of upper-class bags *yes, Red Fred* including M&S, John Lewis, Waitrose, Sainsburys, Tesco, Borders and the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Plus a few lesser known bags *puffs chest out proudly*.
Eat yer heart out Red Fred.
Or even better, eat the heart out of our Prime Minister.
And what's more, I have my own personal bag-elf to carry all these store bags when requested.
I take care not to overfill them, as she is a very small pointy-nosed bag elf...
Such a wonderful and considerate employer I am *smugly*
Ain't that so, Red Fred?
Haw, haw...
With a moniker like that, Mr D, I expect you need all those bags to cover your bonce.
Considerate are you.....That statement lacks evidence, I would say
Wow...I guess things could be worse. At least our $hrub makes us laugh 'til the bottled water spews out our nostrils or he embarrasses the hell out of us.
You're right about politicians, though. I was a local politician for about 15 years, but I quit when I wasn't getting enough attention (or enough free drinks).
Now look whatcher did, Reddie Freddie, cost Labour their Mayor already ... well I knows yer weakness fer blondi-locks, though userly combined wiv serious er muscular er development, what?
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