There is a coldness in the air, here in Britain and I am not referring to the freezing winds of May which will cause Shakespeare’s ‘darling buds’ to become frost bitten if it doesn’t warm up soon.
No, I refer to the ongoing furore over our parliamentary members and their astonishing inability to understand the difference between right and wrong.
Nothing new you may say, and you are right – politicians are not renowned for their morality but I would suggest that their indifference, indeed their blatant lack of interest in the people who voted them into office has reached a new high.
(Denis the Menance , Beano comics, UK)
Some MPs got caught and some owned up; all of them protested that ‘It was within the rules’
Not good enough.
Reclaiming for non-existent mortgages, four thousand pounds worth of electronics, expenses for the wife, the gardener, are not within the rules.
Now it seems, we have to re-educate our politicians in some very basic ethics.
It is not the rule that ‘Thou shalt defraud the taxpayer’ at all times.
Some one ought to point this out to the Prime Minister .
Aw Reddie Freddie, who'd a thunk it of ya! Just like my countrymen a few years back when ole Kohl's black boxes full of stashed cash came to light. I could only look in amazement at the hyperventilating public. Downright flabbergasted me. Surprise was also written large on Kohl's fat face btw.
Secret hoards to finance the dark schemes hidden behind the slick speeches, I had fully assumed this to be one integral part of parliamentary democracy - the other integral part being sticky fingers.
See reddie freddy dearie, polititians decree taxes so as to get paid with the resulting wads of money, not pay those taxes themselves, what kind of sense is that supposed to make, come now? Can't b'lieve someone acterly wastes a perfectly good rant on that in da year of da Lord 2009! Such sweet innocence! Mind there is another word for it...
If the political class turned out to be honest, now that would startle me clean out of my wits enough to make me give up drink and sneering.
Ifn you don't want goings on like that, then all who run for office should on no account be allowed to take one.
Eh Reddie Freddy I called ya an innocent.
A sweet innocent.
Are ya goin to take that lyin down? Strikes me as highly uncharacteristic, that does.
Arghhhh, I am upright
Well, since you Krauts have
(a) the longest rivers
(b)the longest roads
(c)the longest history of corruption and talking a leg off a donkey
Over here in the UK we merely close our lips to a long thin line, resulting in the famous upper lip (stiff)
I should point out that us brits are confident our politicos can outdo your lot any day - after all, we been puttin' up with your lot since the days of Hengist (and his Horsa)
It's the same over here. It doesn't seem to matter which side of the political aisle they sit on, either. Nothing changes and nobody learns. And power always corrupts. Depressing!
Hot times
Armed robbers tied up a woman in Marbella, Spain, threatening her with knives and terrorising her into handing over cash and jewellery.
After spotting a family photo in one of the bedrooms, the attackers discovered that the home they had broken into belonged to Dolph Lundgren. They fled immediately in haste.
Luckily for them, the man himself was out.
Watta almighty pity. I would have enjoyed viewing the debris.
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I could almost wish that Dolph had been at home...'sigh'
Ise reely miffed he wasnt at home I mean thats takin Murphys a bit far idnt it? I would of liked to have seen the faces when they spotted the photo - must be every housebreakers nightmare - you open a door and come face to face with -Dolph Lundgren.
Bet those dago burglars do have just that nightmare now. Serve em right too.
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