Sunday, February 26, 2017

Don't Be A Zombie

One of the joys of British politics is the sheer madness of our 
politicians; we have plenty of nutters, lets be honest. By contrast,
Britain has a long history of splendid, dignified, traditions that should
guarantee the holders of public office also behave with dignity, or gravitas; but it doesn’t.

Want to look for the nutters? No better place than the House of 

Commons, with its members, and chief among them,  Speaker of the House.

The Hon. John Bercow, elected in 2009, by his fellow MP’s is a the

latest example; torrents of outrage and abuse ensued when our 

Speaker announced that he would not invite President Donald Trump to

address the House if he visits this country.

Speaker, Mr John Bercow

Given the torrents of vitriol that began with the President’s election

from residents of the United Kingdom, (and elsewhere) I am amused to

read that various Members of Parliament became so offended that they 

called for Mr Bercow’s resignation.

It seems that the Speaker crossed over the line of Impartiality.

In theory the Speaker is party neutral, and John Bercow is now listed 

as ‘no party affiliation’. But he was a Conservative MP, and I am 

sure that his heart and mind will be Tory to the end. Maybe not his most

glorious moment, but not the end of democracy either.

I quote Mr Duddridge "I think there will be a vote of no confidence and I think he will go.
Daily Telegraph 2017/02/12

No, I’ve never heard of this MP, and I don’t expect we will hear of him

again. After that many and various crimes were cited.

Financial Irregularity – more than one MP is guilty of that, nothing new 

How Mr Bercow voted in the EU referendum – It was either Yes or No wasn’t it?

A target of censure?

As his office said, he is entitled to vote, and nothing to do with his role 

as Speaker. Politics attracts many extroverts, nutcases, and idealists,

and it makes for a rich mix.

It is a mix we should all enjoy and keep alive, so sod anyone who 

longs for political correctness which adds up to a living death, and do 

you want to be a zombie?

The members who voted John Bercow into this post knew very well the 

sort of Speaker they would get, of course they did.

No good moaning about it now, got what they paid for wouldn’t you


As the MP, John Whittingdale told the Telegraph ,John was elected with a very firm pledge that he wouldn't stay for more than eight or nine years, and we are pretty much getting close to the end of the that period. So, I wouldn't expect him to stay for much longer." 

Dream on sunshine, dream on.

None of you will be surprised to hear that at the time of writing, John

Bercow is, guess what? Still the Speaker of the House.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

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