What is it about Toasters? I mean, why the hell, don’t they bloody work? Most of the Toasters in my life have been absolute bastards. These mean machines do toast, but in their own fashion, you know.
The first toasting machine I ever bought, just burnt things; never saw the toast, just a plume of smoke from the bally thing, and some cindered remains resting at the bottom. It was like running my own private crematorium.
Time went by…another Toaster in my life; this one had a nasty trick of chucking the toast out, and brother, you sure had to jump fast to catch it. Most mornings, my breakfast landed on the kitchen floor.
The current machine in my life, is a contrary little Miss – some mornings its pops the uncooked bread out, ‘No toast today, thank you..’
I set it at 4, I set it at 6. ‘Nae bother lassie…..go hungry.’
I know someone who has a well behaved Toaster – it does the job, the bread is golden brown. Little does its owner know how much I covet his Toaster. Little does he know.
Greetings from a Yank.
Enjoyed your blog - funny.
Keep the peace within!
Thanks for yer trifling comment Sherry.
Yeah. Some peepl know the value of a toe-ster.
Toasted bladderwrack, for instance, is good.
And some as wot 'as got a good, well-behaved toaster ain't ever gonna let it go.
Even if you've got a foot in the door.
No way.
So there.
Greetings Sherry - I expect you Yanks have wondeful toasters, 6 speed, and 4 colour tones....
As for you, Tess the Toad, I advise you to chain yer Toaster to the wall....and I am happy to tell you that toasted bladderwrack is poisonous *kindly smile*
Another delightful post... Our temperamental American toasters can also be recalcitrant or retentive... from my experience the color codes on the bottom mean absolutely nothing without a numerical dial, especially when one makes the attempt to toast only 'one slice'....
Again, a joy to read your observations on the matter of potential obstacles to having a proper breakfast. *S*
I thought I might mention that my super toaster does 4 slices at a time and can vary just how golden brown each slice is.
Thought I might mention this.
You could try the grill though Fred.
Indeed AN, who would think that breakfast could be so difficult? Enjoy the latte!
*Through gritted teeth* So so glad, Zaphod, to hear about your vonderful boaster toaster......*mutter*
LOL @ your post and at your comment at zaphod's comments!
my toaster is crap. Mr. Wonderful's toaster is crap. Stoopid crappy toasters don't even stay down when one pushes the lever. So I stand there...holding the lever down as long as I can and hope the bread is at least some light brown tone when my hand is tired.
Of course, I'd go without toast for life if we could get move that toasted twit out of the White House ;)
I would lend you my toaster but I like it too much. *Beams*
Let's face it little sister....the Universe is a crap toaster, and all of us, EXCEPT zaphod, hafta live in hope of the perfect toast.
And the day we get our mits on HIS toaster, I guess we will all be angels....
Such a kind offer, Zap....*curls lip*
Hey babes....who said I was living in your universe...*cackles*
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