This is the Hat that started it all .....
I thought it was time to prove that my HAT is not so crazy – in fact when you folks have perused this Gallery of Hats, I am absolutely sure the general conclusion will be….
That I know a lot of weird people – you are so right, I do.
Barnacle Bill
Dr Death himself...
Then we have The Kraut in this delicious confection…
and myself as Miss Happy-in-the-Beer-Tent..
Even MadDog has his Tombstone moments…
Or you might prefer a Pirate ...
Can’t understand why the Kraut laughs at me hats, look at this…
I’m not known as the Great Poisoner for nothing….
Last but not least, here is the Kraut having a Dr Zhivago moment…and very nice too
and if you meet this down in the woods…run like Hell
My thanks to all those who (willingly or unwillingly!) provided the photographs: copyright remains with the owners of these pictures.