'Bag ladies sought after theft ‘
BBC News 16.11.06
"We believe the two females may be able to assist with inquiries into the theft of a wallet from a bag’ Police.
You have to watch these bag ladies – bloody dangerous they are.
Read my last post, and you might understand. There must be a whole army of these lunatics, who wander round shops (and railway stations) doing unspeakable things with Bags.
The women were caught on CCTV with the bag
Sunderland Railway Station
Forget the ‘little old lady’ bit – they should be rounded up in the cause of public safety. Don’t listen to their pitiful cries, throw ‘em in the jailhouse, and leave ‘em to rot. Say I.
And don’t be fooled by the nice old lady bit, watch your back. It’s dangerous out there.
White hair? That’s just to throw you off the scent. Underneath them granny locks, lurks an evil master brain plotting criminal things.
With bags.
You have been warned.
Yer so-oo right, RF. All old bags should be, er, bagged up and left in Waterloo station, I reckon. Maybe they could be dumped in the luggage car to provide ballast and fill the spaces left by illegal immigrunts.
Don't be misled by white hair? Too right. Most of them dye it so's they can get pensioners rates at the hairdressers...
Trouble is, the old biddys ain't dyin' fast enuff ter maintain the consumer economy... Bleeeeuugh!
I am sure Mr Baggy, that you would be just the person for the job of 'Warden' and get these criminals 'banged to rights' in no time.
*kindly smile*
Quite right, RF: dangerous, venomous, hags the lot of them. You keep that axe handy!
Now what about malevolent old fart blokes...?
RF, one more thing. To settle a debate here, can you please explain the origin of the lip-ringed female person that adorns your sight...
Hmmm. ..don't often have problems with blokes, farting, old, whatever... *dusts hands*
Of course I do keep that axe handy.....
You ask Mr Baggy-Draws, I'm sure he can tell you.
My Fred pic... I found that doing a web search; I thought it expressed my ..um...kindly and 'benign' persona, very well. Yep.
Ah, your kindly and benign alter ego, eh? Actually I quite like her.
Aaah, MD. If you believe RedFred has a benign and kindly alter ego - ye got it wrong there. As for YOU RF - I happen to know you DO have problems with old men farting - every time they ingest yer culinary experiments. Haw, haw... *cackle cut short - running for the loo... *
Yes MadDog, she's quite 'cool' to quote the kiddies!
As for YOU, Baggy-Pants, just count your blessings, ahem, I mean blessing.
You are still alive
This happy state may not last so long, as my experiments in the culinary arts proceed apace.
*grim smile*
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