Monday, December 18, 2006

All Sorted...

I come back from Rostock to find disrespectful remarks on the blog; well, some bods never learn, no they bloody don’t.

Take Christmas seriously, do the East Germans, so between the mulled wine and the sausage consumption, I began to have serious doubts about my future prospects.

Me and the Kraut revisited the gluvine bar in the Christmas Market, to be met by a chorus of welcome “Oh hallo, hallo, you are back!”
(I translate freely)
Yes, they did remember us, very well indeed, and suggested that no doubt, we would all be seeing each other again, next Jule.
Probably so.

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The only thing that saved me and the Kraut from turning into Christmas puddings, was her dog’s unrelenting demands for walkies.

Susi, a hound of great charm and iron determination, expects everyone to do their duty. Walks to be taken promptly, twice a day, and of reasonable length.
I think Susi nicked me gloves, but she (and the Kraut ) deny it.

Nice to see everyone getting ready for the festival, hope Santa’s little helpers don’t forget me.

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I’ve sent my letter off to Santa….

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All sorted for Christmas then.

Jolly Good.

Top of the British Blogs


Anonymous said...

Just for once, as it happens, Suse didn't do anything. Well she did, but it was me orange bedsocks she nabbed, not Fred's gloves, which the scatterbrain had left behind, havin' brought so many articles of apparel that loosin' sight of one or two items was natural.
Btw, Fred has a new hat! Wiv matchin' muff! Very fetchin' indeed.

Anonymous said...

I thought it rather amazin that the gluvine vendors remember you both. This is very odd, what with two bein almost tee I was given to understand.

Anonymous said...

Teetotal is right. We was warnin' of the dangers of allohol, was what we was doin at the Glühwein-Bar. You know like those people wiv horns an' trumpets and psalms urgin people to turn to the straight and narrow, thereby heightenin' everyone's enjoyment of sinnin', unintentionally of course, poor sods.
Anyways like one of our great local poets remarked, what need have we of alcohol if there's beer and schnaps? They did jail him good and hard on that fortress nearby...

Red Fred said...

Anyone with orange bedsocks deserves to have them snaffled, really they do.
And I only took a pitiful amoumt of clothing *glare*

I too, was amazed that they remembered us, can't understand it. Us being so er..tee-total, yep.