I'm orff to see the Kraut (she of the mad sheep's hat)
In Rostock
And when I come back.....
I don't want to see any tasteless remarks, guffaws, cackles, or anything else.
I expect to find this blog, shiny-clean, and sweetly-polite, just like I left it.
Got that?
You have been warned.
The Old Bat's gorn. Yus. *Hee,hee.*
Now the bat's away them pesky mices will play *you betcha*.
Dunno if Rostock will survive the invasion of the bloggy snatches...
And Red Fred ain't got access to the net, so she won't know that her blog's been decorated *or desecrated* in her absence.
Haw, haw! - Pshaw - Bleeeuggh!
It'll have to be a special xmas pressie to make up for this grafitti, n'est ce pas?
She looked so little, lost and innocent at the departure gate - I almost tore me eyes away from the slim belly dancer and drummers who were shooting a Thompson Holidays promo in the main concourse - almost, but not quite...*
*Chortle, guffaw, haw, haw...*
Oh, come on now RF. I expected one of your anti-social tirades by now... I know you can read me *'cos they're even civilised enuff to have Internet access in E.Germany*. So I guess you're spending too much time with the potato farmer ingesting spiritous liquors... *spits at thought of foreign booze*.
Wotz wrong with Guinness 'n Jamesons?
Meanwhile your blog getz invaded by them as oughta know better, wiv their Ho, ho's, chortles, Guffaws, Pahs and such like *shakes head*
Wot ever happened to natural justice, karma and the like?
Haw, haw. And Bleeeuggh!
Chuckle chuckle Haw, haw. And Bleeeuggh! Thats what I say. Been to that Rostok place before aint she? I seem to remember it being full of east germans.
Ah well....Chuckle chuckle Haw, haw. And Bleeeuggh! With knobs on.
Aaaarrgh! RedFred's due back today... *grump*
S'pose I'd better do the washing up *a weeks worth* and change the bed and fill the gasmobile for the airport run.
And clean up this blog... aaaaah, sod it. She doesn't deserve to be looked after this well.
And I'd better get some food in... a hungry RF is a terrifying thing.
Naah. I think I'll go to B&Q and look over the cctv security products and *Hmmmm...* a lot.
Maybe get a tinny or several 'n put me feet up. RF can get a bus from the airport...
Do you lot seriously think I'm that brave???
Blleeeeuuugh, chortle, guffaw, pah, snort, chuckle, Haw, haw...
Just get a couple of kegs in and wait till she gets home to catch up on your housework....works every time...if you wanna a good barny that is.
Very brave ain't we, while the cat is away, full of bravado, arn't we, when various personages think themselves safe....?
I expect, you both run for the cupboard under the stairs, when the going gets tough...and really, really wish, you HAD done the washing up, after all. *nods*
I must put some traps down, this blog seems fulll of mice *rubs hands*
AS for you, Zap,you might regret those knobs.
In fact I think you will.
Think you're man enuff to take me on, RF?
Ingested too many East German hormones wiv that gluwein, eh?
Ho, ho, ho...
I've not surfed here in so long! you've been gone 12 days already!
Hope you and the Kraut are having a great time!
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