According to the BBC News Page, this country is awash with scores of absconding prisoners. I just mention this, in case you Yanks are thinking of having a little holiday over here.
Apparently, our director of the Prison Service had admitted that ‘he does not know exactly how many inmates are on the run from open jails in England’
Oh well, a few hundred criminals on the run, no need to worry eh? If you bump into one of the fraternity, just direct him to the nearest fuzz shop.
‘Phil Wheatley said there was no central system in place to count people who had been recaptured after escaping, but such a database would now be developed’
Ahh this counting business, now that is a tricky one. Lemme see now, how shall we begin …”1, 2, 3..?”
But Mr Moses (now, now, no need to guffaw here, that’s his name) chairman of the Prison Officers Association, is a bright lad.
He said “We know on a daily basis how many people we are locking up, so surely we should know on a daily basis how many people abscond. This is not rocket science."
There you are then, so start counting Mr Wheatley, not so difficult is it?
Maybe the old methods are the best.
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What on earth are you hyperventilatin aboot, dear? Just serves ta show fer all to see how sadly you is behind the times! Did you think da law was fer protectin da citizen, Toto? No No, it is fer to protect da criminal FROM da citizen see? Citizens tend to be so unreasonable where their life, health and property, likely to get irate they are and do somethin regrettable.
Citizens even think that as they work mostly fer tax that they are buyin some protection wiv it. No no dear, what they is buyin is social workers, and lenient courts for da poor criminal, what wiv dat bad childhood an all, so sad!
You can allus arst me ifn you don't unnerstand da modern world 'n I 'splain *kindly*
I only thought *sadly* that bods who got locked up, should stay locked up, and not go on holiday.
That was all * even more sadly*
You probly also thought that murderers who got "life" remain locked up for life? You know that sort of naivete is potentially life threatening. Better get burglar alarm rigged up, take out arms license AND keep a stout length of pipe under the bed. Well, ifn you lam a juvenile criminal who's broken into your house over the head with it, you will get quodded fer excessive force and premeditation on top of it. But at least you will be alive, and when sent to jail you will also be safe, as the criminals are all outside. See? Just make sure you hit him well, otherwise you'll be paying him a pension for life. And THAT me dear will really be for life this time.
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