About time, Channel 4's programme, Big Brother, the pride and joy of media morons has landed in a heap of shit, I am so pleased. It’s such a crap idea for a television programme in the first place, it deserves to get canned, shredded and buried, without a funeral.
It should go where the monkey keeps his nuts.
My mental health is threatened daily by news items about this heap of crap, and promotional clips on television add to the horror. I know it is doing me harm.
Reality television it is not. Come to think of it, television programmers and reality seldom meet. The programmers of BB sure don’t, and they are wise to refrain from too much discussion. Their brain cells (the few they have) would go into meltdown
I would love to think that the current furore signals the end of BB, but that’s overdosing on the hope thing. Remember kiddies, as you go to bed, where the monsters lie in wait, there is NO such thing as bad publicity.
Repeat after me, “There is NO such thing….”
I guess that condemns us all to further gut-wrenching nausea and chronic advanced boredom
That’s how it is.
I don't like Dr Who either. Can you get rid of it Fred ?
Dr Who? Now that's a tricky one. I'll have to think about that...Hmmmmm
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