It is a fact of life that Blokes don’t listen – unless they want to. I merely point this out in a fairly friendly way. (Anyone who ventures to disagree with me, can take themselves off. Pronto.)
Like I said, Blokes don’t listen, unless they want to. Generally when the wife / girlfriend/ significant other, etc ( take yer pick) is telling them something the Bloke doesn’t want to hear.
Of course, this isn’t undue harassment, it's something you need to know.
The amount of harassment Blokes deserve is another subject altogether, and I’m feeling merciful, well sort of.
Most men are quite skillful in appearing to listen, but not perfect and they do leave a few clues such as, well -spaced grunts of agreement, and far too many “Yes dear’s”.
Bloody obvious they ain’t taking in a cent of it.
The more practised NLB’s (non listening blokes) keep one ear open for the verbal minefields that women are very good at. Anything to do with, hair, weight, new dress, and what Mother said, gets flagged up.
Blokes with savvy, recognise the danger signals of the afore mentioned, especially ‘What Mother Said’
A practised NLB can decode those signals pretty well – and it reads so
"I expect you to notice that I’ve had my hair done, gone down a dress size/ wearing/bought a new dress.”
Well, you get the picture. If you haven’t, you are dead, be a corpse, why don’t you?
This is basic survival stuff for God’s sake, so be grateful I tell you this.
I’m not going into ‘What Mother Said’, enough to say it’s bloody dangerous, I suggest you button up here.
Have I got evidence, of the NLB?
Sure thing – like the bus driver I heard, telling his mate “The wife was going on, telling me about this and that. At the end she says to me “Were you listening to me?” I says ‘No’
That guy was a hardened NLB, I can tell you. Come to think of it, he was probably trying to watch CSI.
Didn’t say what the wife did to him afterwards, and I should think it was painful.
Red Fred's Pics
Errr... not sure what to say here as I'll probably take a a beating. I think I'll make myself another cuppa and keep a low profile...
Erm...sory..what was yer saying ?
Surely no person of the tender gender would be so insensitive as to nag, whinge, whine and otherwise attempt to interrupt a man's moment to 'imself watching CSI/model making/car restoration/ porn examination?
Such a female deserves all the castigation that will surely be heaped upon her.
Even RedFred wouldn't do that, would she?
Bunch of whingers...stiffen the sinews or whatever it is blokes stiffen.... Haw haw haw *cackles*
well if dat idn't a cheap shot as ever was *snort, snigger*
Yeah it was a cheap shot - I enjoyed it as well *snort*
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