I guess when it comes to being original but weird, the British must be near the top of the list.
Who else would think to use Baked Beans as a deadly weapon?
Quite so, no-one would – except Hugh Grant of course.
‘Actor Hugh Grant has been arrested over an allegation he attacked a photographer in London, before throwing a tub of food at him.’
BBC News Online, April 26th, 2007.
Of course, Hugh Grant is not the brightest bean in the can, and mistakenly thought of as the quintessential
Englishman: (feeble of chin and intellect)
But with that ‘boyish charm’ you know. Translation ‘Forgot to grow up’
So to anyone who has the hots for our Hugh… tough luck, and try cuddling a bag of frozen peas. It’ll give you the general effect.
Reading an interview our Baked Bean Hero gave to some newspaper, I was not surprised to find that Hugh finds women ‘Incomprehensible’
Yeah, that figures. Far too many blokes around like him, who won’t make the effort to work it out for themselves. So how do they impress?
Throw a can of beans.
Or ask their Mummy what to do.
Oh Fred..is it Hugh or the beans you don't like. Confused from Kent.
Zap, it has to be Hugh; nothing wrong with baked beans.
Confused? Well, you come from Kent, of course you are confused.
LMFAO! Great rant! I agree with you re Hugh Grant, especially 'boyish charm' translation is 'forgot to grow up.'
I never noticed he might be boyish or charming. And I agree a bag of frozen peas would offer me much more comfort ;)
love it.
Hugh is an Oxford grad, so how could he not be in some way intelligent? Your post is really kind of clueless, and presumes you know the real man when you obviously know nothing. More of a reflection on you than on Mr Beans!
Lil Sis, i hope you and the frozen peas have a great time together.
Well, 'anonymous', Hugh is merely not the brightest bean in the can, even if he is an Oxford graduate.
And don't fluff about on my blog: it is either 'clueless' or it is not. The use of 'kinda' is a prevarication on your part.
It is also grammatically incorrect.
Fred main't know Hugh, but she does know Englishmen and she does know baked beans ... and bein a Dolph Lundgren devotee anyways, so much better taste and talkin aboot taste, also some nice muskle meat to go with yer baked beans ... so why would anyone dither the fraction of a sec when havin to choose between Hugh an a can of baked beans which are excellent in their way as opposed to ... weak of chin and intellect, teehee ... since when was Oxford proof for anythin, next the Hugh-holic Anonymus will say Harvard....
Well Delicia, I think you have that all buttoned up!
(yummy Dolph, yummy Dolph...ooops!)
Never knew you was a Dolph Lundgren fan ?????????????????
I prefers me baked beans wiv eggses 'n bacon 'n naked baked dancin' girls...
Dolf Lundgren, eh?
Guess some of us need to get down the gym 'n get our appetites slaked sans naked baked beanz, huh?
NO! Stop hitting me, Fred. I meant no harm...
Now then Zap....you simply didn't realize just what good taste I have.
As for you, Bouncy Bean....any more ideas like that, and you will be the flattest bean in the pan. *smile*
Well RF you seem to have made it as a blooger now that you are attracting stroppy, Troll-like, comments (ie "Anonymous"). While amused by the antics of HG I do think the whole incident was a waste of perfectly good baked beans...
I know MadDog...me first troll. Never came back did 'ee? Oh yes, waste of good beans, quite true.
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