There is a wonderful town in Siberia. They have a mayor who banned the phrase ‘I don’t know’
Can you believe this? From Yahoo
“MOSCOW - The mayor of a Siberian oil town has ordered his bureaucrats to stop using expressions such as "I don't know" and "I can't." Or look for another job.”
Alexander Kuzmin, the 33-year-old mayor of Megion
Think about it, what do we hear, whenever we ring any Council bods in this country. Exactly, it's “I don’t know.”
Just imagine a life, where these pillocks would lose their cruddy job, because they dared to say those words to us, in the tone of voice that suggests they don’t give a toss about the fact, that the rubbish hasn’t been collected, that the fire alarm keeps going off, and the manager will take an hour to come over with the bloody key?
(And it’s a good job, we didn’t worry about the Fire Brigade, as they took 18 minutes to arrive. They can’t turn the alarm off either )
Then we can all rub our hands and whisper, no, shout, down the phone, “Look for another job, Buster!”
After reading the rest of this illuminating article, I suggest our bureaucrats do a compulsory stint in Siberia, learning NOT to say
“What can we do?" "It's not my job," "It's impossible," "I'm having lunch," "There is no money," and "I was away/sick/on vacation."
Our bureaucrats would learn, deep breath here, that…
“Town authorities are there to make town residents' life comfortable and prosperous” That’s what the Mayor said, yes he did. I quote
“Town authorities are there to make town residents' life comfortable and prosperous. Officials who disobey the ban while in the mayor's office "will near the moment of their departure.”
Mind bending stuff – just what our Council admins need to know: they have these jobs in order to help us, it's that four-letter word ‘HELP’
Amazing, a whole new ball-park, wouldn’t you say? Imagine the power of being able to mutter
“You have neared the moment of your departure.”
In suitably blood-curdling tones of course
Practice, amigos, practice. Then pick up the phone.
ERM...I dunno.
Oh really Zap..where is your liver, show us some erm, 'metal'
King Harry, and all that stuff *encouraging smile*
I know things are meant to be more efficient on this side of the Atlantic but once I queued up for 45 minutes for a driving (drivers) licence (license) only to have the peon behind the counter pull her shutter down and say she was going for lunch and that I should go to the back of another line. Cow! I was still "in line' when she came back. Definitely a candidate for Siberia.
Well that's exactly why that mayor is in Siberia governing wooden houses and run down concrete blocks, and not fat-catting it in Moscow, see? So, for saying things like he did, and like you did just now, one gets sent to Siberia. Bally cold there. And when it idn't cold it's full of mossies. And bears. That is, bears are there all the time.
I feel for you Mad Dog - I think she should stay in Siberia
Don't believe you, Delicia - Bears, you say? Well *bravely* bet there arn't any Kraken, lurking around in stagnant pools or anything else.
So there, yah boo.
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