Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Contraction of Gonads

Some folks might think that I gloat over the misfortunes of blokes
If anyone is murmuring ‘No no, of course not’ all I can say is they haven’t been paying attention.

caveman 3

If any of you red-blooded males want to improve your chances of getting laid, all you have to do is leap into an icy stretch of water, do a few metres, and hey presto, there you are.

Pumping with testosterone, the idea is that you leap out of the water, beat your chest, Tarzan style and I guess the females find you irresistible. So says Tom de Castella, writing in the New Statesman.

cavemen. 2

Sold on the idea that leaping into cold water is good for you, Mr de Castella writes

‘Suddenly the leaves on the surface become icebergs, the swan on the far side is a Russian warship guiding me home, and the jetty is the Siberian shore full of waving Inuits….’

I find the spectre of a dripping wet, pimple- skinned male, quite resistible but then, Brad Pitt & co., don’t do it for me either

The icy water contracts the gonads, you know, and the’pumps’
Quite so.
The enthusiastic Castella assure us that it works for women as well, but I’m not about to try it.

Check it out, do – without Me.


‘Cold water, hot blood’
Tom de Castella. New Statesman 8 November 2007

Read the article online
Cold water, hot blood

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Anonymous said...

OUCH! No, no, NO! Both RF and the gentleman are WRONG - so wrong...
Among the cognoscenti it is understood that one should NOT go swimmin' in Hampstead Heath pond - apart from the lack of warmth the place is infested. What with mud and slimey creatures, travellers and politicians, to say nothing *and I'm saying NOTHING* about a certain creepy inhabitant.
This dangerous beast has been seen as far up the Thames as Oxford.
I really can't unnerstand why it hasn't visited its wrath on them politicians in Hampstead Heath yet.
Some of 'em could do with a little pain in their smug lives.

Red Fred said...

I'm sure Mr Knackers knows all about creeping.....and slimy creatures (he's probably related, haw haw)

Why don't you try some nice cold water *encouraging smile*

Mad Dog said...

Oh dear, are we talking about willys and bloke's private parts again? It's much too harrowing at my age. Whatever was wrong with the Kraken (who doesn't mind cold water one bit).

Red Fred said...

Oh MadDog, how could you?
Until Delicia returns to her native shores, I thought we were safe from the K word

And Mr Krackers can keep quiet as well
So there

Anonymous said...

Oi! Why you have a go at me?
Us krakens still get caught out by icebergs, you know.
An' I've heard that at certain times of the year *that's every season except high summer *there's a high incidence of icebergs *wot will rip and tear at yer vitals* skulking in Hampstead Pond...
Pity us poor *fiscally, at least* fish-friendly folk.
Holds out big suckerplates imploringly...

Red Fred said...

Well, Mr Krackhead, I expect you deserved it; it is a fact that folks get what they deserve
So you got it

Anonymous said...

Hampstead Pond is where all the poofters go innit?
Not Krakens. No Krakens in Hamstead. Plenty of gonads though.

Anonymous said...

Hi there.