Right, I'm orff to see the Kraut
While I am gone, there is no need for anyone to think they can let rip with Krakens, slimy sucker-pads, or anything else of that 'ilk'
And a word of warning, to the personage who asked if I was catching the Trans-Siberian train - he will regret that little quip (right where the sucker-plates go)
Ulp! I clench my crusty gonads in fear...
Of course, it is well known that a certain mythical creature *wot we shall not name, oh, no* has a lair in the Land of the Kraut.
Could this be the reason the bag of RedFred is full of particularly smelly cheese? Is it to be used to entice baby kreatures into the cavernous bag, to be illegally transported to the OO-K, there to be let loose to grow and breed, and bring terror to Hampstead Pond *or even Oxford*?
Woe, woe. Wot 'ave we poor Celts done to deserve this?
Perhaps, *O blessed thought* the border guards will see fit to consign her and her devilish brood to the cold dark depths of the Elbe...
Haw, haw...
Travel safely, RF, and keep warm. Oh and all the very best for Christmas and the New Year.
The baby Kraken is back in one *large* piece with many appurtenances... Also with many opinions, delivered with much volume.
It is significant that of all the passengers on 2 flights who arrived in the customs hall at the same time RedFred had the second largest case of all...
Yes, I know that every rail transportation system in europe is cleaner, more efficient, cheaper, runs on time better than the UK - that's why I drive.
What's the point of cheap and easy travel between European cities if yer keeps going back to the same one - it's like repeatedly visiting Milton Keynes!
Welcome back RF, even if you do have a sore head...
Now I resents the allusion to Milton Keynes. A greater contrast to MK you couldn't imagine, specially at Christmas time, crazy lights, people wearin' antlers and blinky bleeps on their heads, father Christmas yodellin wiv de angels and a big wheel the size of the Empire State goin' round and round, also blinkin' an bleepin' fer all it's worth.
They didn't have a ghost train this year though, like MK doesn't have either I s'pose, but we had a Viking camp before the gates, hulkin' axemen, carpatian dance music, royal wolfhounds, crazy things nobody could ever need in the stalls, hats like you wouldn't believe, and very potent beverages dispensed by pirates. And the Kraken lurkin' under the bathtubs.
Milton Keynes indeid! Norrabitoffit. Jealousy i calls it, pure envy!
Well, I'm back - Mr Nit must be mistaken, my case was of a suitable and modest capacity; with Wheels.
I dunno why folks get to sprout them antlers, must be a local custom - and there is summat strange about their bathrooms as well......
Thank you Mad Dog, have a very Happy Christmas, good luck with the rally next year
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