I must say, how surprising it is to find that the world of work still exists - in the post-Holiday phase, that word had no meaning or credit (just like the Kraken)
On reflection, the words 'Time for a cup of tea, and/or, tot of whisky?' certainly did.
Sometimes, I find myself looking round for the whisky - like the song sez
'It's not there'
Let's begin this year as we intend to go on - like this squirrel, looking for 'The Good Stuff'
Photo by Red Fred - January 2008
Looking for his Nuts, I guess
Photo by Red Fred - January 2008
I'm sure we can understand his feelings
RedFred - You're nutz!
Happy New Year *Scratch*
Cyrils don't have big sucker-plates *dismissively*
...and Happy New Year to you and your Nuts
Happy New Year, RF. Nice pic of the Sciuruses or whatever. Regarding his (presumably) "nutz" I have several comments:
1) As a schoolboy, I was traumatised by the fact that the motif of educational emporium was a squirrel clutching a nut. You can just make it out on my tie here:http://self-preservationsociety.blogspot.com/2007/12/fings-aint-what-they-used-to-be.html.
It was also on my blazer and was the butt of endless jokes from friends at other schools. To this day the school retains the logo.
2) My surname is the same as that of a famous shop in San Francisco, Cleveland and a few other American cities known as "****'s Nut House". Somewhere I have a photo of me wearing a T shirt from said establishment with "Hot Nuts" emblazoned across the front. I was very young at the time.
3) Squrirels and nuts have a lot to answer for in my book!
Oh....I had no idea that squirrels would have that effect on you, Mad Dog, dear me
As for their nuts, we'll 'brush' over that shall we?
Tried to look at your pic, but no luck
I kin see that you is desperate to get workin agin.
I myself have given all that stuff the boot and have taken extremely early retirement.
As for the squirrel, he was probly trying to hide from the kraken.
Nice pictures though.
RF: A technical comment. I think the reason why you can't seem some of your images is that your Flickr settings are on "Private". I had the same problem and it resolved when I set them to Public. . I know you don't want everyone sifting through your personal pics. For this reason my Flickr a/c is only for blog material.
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