‘Cities in northern England such as Liverpool, Sunderland and Bradford are "beyond revival" and residents should move south, a think tank has argued.
Policy Exchange said current regeneration policies were "failing" the people they were supposed to help.
A mass migration to London, Cambridge and Oxford would stop them becoming "trapped" in poorer areas, it said. ‘
The famous ‘Kop’ - Liverpool’s Football Heaven and Holy Ground
Academics should be made to do community service and find out how most of us live - if you live in Liverpool right now, I expect you would deport them. No, shoot them, good idea
Why the hell would Liverpudlians migrate to Oxford?
The place is a swarming mass of tourists marching round like ants, and offering bus drivers £20 pound notes (about $40 to you Yanks, for a $5 fare)
You should hear what the bus drivers are spitting. ‘Bugger Off My Bus’ is one.
Home of the Beetles - Liverpool celebrates it’s famous sons
One of the Think Tank bods was hauled on to television to explain himself. The best he could manage was ‘Liverpool is a Port ‘and that was all down the cesspit- so there you are - no hope.
The Port of Liverpool
Even worse, is the fact that the Policy Exchange group are being grossly overpaid to produce a report that has been branded as ‘Insane’ by eminent Tories, including Dear David, who plans on being our next Prime Minister.
I tell you, it gives that folk song ‘the Leaving of Liverpool‘, a whole new meaning
Trust not in Experts, they live in Tanks -Long live Liverpool, long live the Kop, the home of the Beetles, and a really nutty brand of humour.
I'm not sure you've thought this one through properly, RF.
If the Northeners all come south to the Home Counties then there would be a vacuum in the North.
This would prompt the Scots to amble southwards.
This additional pressure would then push the Southerners from Croydon, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight to emigrate to France *spits*.
Of course, nature abhors a vacuum, so the displaced French and various Central and East European peoples could all move to, say, Dundee or Glasgow.
Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing - at least we'd be no worse off understanding Northern Speak, and probably much better at understanding the *New Scots*.
We sure as hell can't understand the Scots now *especially the Brown fellow*.
You are mistaken, you ignoramus of an immigrant
I did not advocate the moving of the Northeners, I commented
At no time did the Policy group formulate plans for the space left by the moving of Liverpool and other towns
A Think Tank that failed to think, you might say
Oc course....You could move there...haw haw
oh but darlint, it probly aint dem scientists fault reely, dontchaknow. Scientists merely generate numbers reflectin certain facts, and den dey hem and haw aboot possible interpretations, see. Den some tomfool journalist is sure to come along and snatch at dat fact wiv little cries of delight an run away wiv it, gawd knows where. And dere we are. Lots of nonsense written, and de poor scientist gets hauled over da coals for some wild interpretations of perfectly good an innocent data.
Well I didn't like the way these fellows reported their findings which were very elitist and class stratified. Nevertheless I can't think of a more dismal place in the UK than Sunderland on wet Saturday afternoon in November. Croydon might be challenger. Woking too.
But tink tanks (or summat like that) aren't really scientists see, dey is only tink an' tank, interlopers reely in da academic world. Real scientist practically niver form committees nor sumptn like policy exchange groups (no, a research group is not the same thing, norrabittoffit). Real scientists are a bit like doggies, ya dip deir nose down on some question, an dey start burrowing at once, unearthing data like you might say bones, an' dey don't stop burrowing until you grab em by de scruff agin an' put em somewheres else to burrow. Da selfproclaimed tink tanks jus pick up da doggie poo an talk a lot of pernicious rot aboot it. Dere.
Well Delicia, they is SOCIAL scientists, I daesay you don't have any dealings with such -
Not sure, one can describe them as dog-poo, however
Just a thought
Still a bit tough, Mad Dog, to put the finger on Sunderland - could be right about Croyden though.....
Oh SOCIAL scientists! Well dere's an oxymoron fer ya, if ever dere wuz one *snort* You right I don't have dealins wiv such, unless dey drive a taxi. Though come to think of it, if dere wuzn't "expert groups" an such, den all "social scientists" would resort to drivin' taxies, an den, where would we all be? Not where we wanted to be originally, surely. Dat also explains dis demn study you got so het up aboot. You see, those people don't reely know wot places dey talkin aboot, not anymore den dey would, if dey drove a taxi. Yesh.
Wow, RF, what have you started...? As both a scientist and microbiologist for whom "poo" is my bread and butter (so to speak), I have to be careful. I once though I'd write a book on pontifications I heard from taxi drivers (it was such a good idea that someone beat me to it). A cab is as good a Think (did someone say Stink?) Tank as any; maybe better than most. I don't know what that original pair were on but they clearly weren't thinking very hard. Sunderland is still rubbish though (Croydon too).
Yes, I can see that, MD- had no idea it would set the Kraut off like that
Deary Me
Yesh that naturally surprised you Red Fred. Perfectly mildmannered inoffensive creatures as a rule, scientists are. The way they peer over their glasses shortsightedly, and always a shoelace open, you'd never believe the warlike way, as for instance a botanist might assume at once, when opposing the system of catogorizing a plant as espoused by collegue Snubshed *sarcastic bark of laughter*. Yesh scientists are dangerous animals, when roused.
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