It is insane to carry on as though the UK was running a re-enactment of Scott getting lost in the Antarctic. The screams of ‘Chaos and Horror’ are entirely without foundation, and I am pissed off with the media, who have been indulging in hysterics for the past week.
There is no need for journalists to be doing their ‘piece to camera’ from various locations, all suitably covered in snow.
We know what snow looks like, and if you want a reminder, the bloody stuff is all over the place, have a look for yourself.
If it was me, I would keep quiet: weather pundits predicted the snow two weeks ago, so why advertise our stupidity?
The roads could be open, they are not; the schools should be open, they are not.
The kids should be locked up in them, I mean, learning something and giving all the adults some peace.
Adults mutter in chorus, about kids who seem unable to walk anywhere, certainly not to school, hell no.
Remarks about 'wimps 'and 'nannies' abound as snow balls fly through the air and hit us in the face.
Newscasters have forgotten how to use language with intelligence: every night we get treated to prose worthy of the old Penny Dreadful papers.
“With more snow to come” intones the newscaster “many will be anxiously scanning the horizon...”
No we won’t, look out the window. There you are.
“Silently, in the night…it fell!” hisses our intrepid reporter, as he stands in a field of the white stuff
I would be getting worried if it fell any other way.
So should you
Britties just aren't used to any definite kind of weather, all dey know is da Big Slush. That's one thing an it's all velly well for Fred to get all uppitty because she's had some exposure to the white stuff in Gothland, gapin at the white landscape wiv a look of amazement on her mug while my dog stole the woolly gloves right offa her fingers.
But there's one class of people who has a serious problem grasping the concept of weather, that is universal and that is: towndwellers. They are surprised when it rains, and they are surprised when it snows, when it's cold, hot, windy, comes all as a surprise to your town dweller. This is aggravated by the radio stations, yacking away about the weather, yaddering into the deaf ears attached to the empty skulls of all those afraid of silence. So it comes that on a perfectly dry straight road in winter cars are crawling along at 40 km/h (not even m/h) just because the radio is wittering on about slippery roads.
All I shall say about your hound, is that I have a good idea who trained that thieving mut in the first place!
And you'd be right, but it idn't like it looks. I wuz tryin to train the pup to give up gracefully the things she stole in puppy manner, before these became irrecuperably chewed. I hoped to achieve this by exchanging the purloined articles for a little tasty tit bit. Yeah. The rest is advanced dog logic.
I is a bit confused...Our Gothland friend has time to train her hound to nick other folks gloves, yet I have see the pictures of her mit the big chopper and the even bigger sword obviously gettin ready fer world domination. Where does she fit all this in.
As for the snow...well as some of you might know I have to travel to dialysis, that;s a whoe other snow story.
You are so right, Zap - there she is running around wiv them axes and choppers, and she prattles about that hound of hers, being a dear little doggie!!
And you should write in yer blog about your woe in the snow *hint*
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