Christmas is over, and we can all stop wondering if Santa will stop by the house this year with his list of ‘Naughty’ and ‘Nice’
Being a bloke I expect his prezzie buying was a short lived affair.
“Two boxes of Assorted, three boxes of Brazils, done!” That’s for the Missus, the kids, and the aunts.
When blokes go shopping, they don’t go looking for things to buy; they have already decided. I don’t know how they do it; have they got X-Ray vision?
Beam me up to the store, Scotty.
Men never say “I’m just looking” Oh no, we just go and buy it Mister.
While I was doing my prezzi shopping, what do I hear as a bloke walks past, nattering on his phone “Yes, I’m shopping, I know what I’m buying.”
Of course he does.
And if anyone is guessing which of Santa’s lists I’m on?
Guess all you want.
With regard to present buying, if it doesn't exist on Amazon it doesn't exist. Period! I do everything I can do avoid the shops in the holiday season. Thank goodness it's almost over for another 12 months!
Happy New Year, RF.
It's a neat solution Mad Dog - good for birthdays as well!!
Happy New Year to you
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