Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Yellow Blob

Ahh well, can’t be hanging around the Thing all day, so patting it on its shiny blue head, make usual mad dash for the bus.
Never know these days if I’m late or not.
Used to rely on seeing this woman in a yellow coat walking up to the bus stop.

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Fall out the door, look for Yellow Blob walking up the path – she always looks like one of the Moomins, even her hair is a Moomin style thing.

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(for red, substitute yellow, and you get the idea)

Not once, have I seen her hurry, let alone run.
I run, my God, do I run.
The Yellow Blob never does. No matter what, Yellow Blob walks slowly up the path

Now the blob thing has disappeared…no more Miss Moomin, no more yellow blob

Gutted; now I just leg it and hope the bus is there.

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Gone, just like the Moomins.

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Just not there

Top of the British Blogs

Monday, October 24, 2005

Freddie the Great, if not the Good

My love affair with The Thing continues……

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I got the sound drives loaded today

I played Queen


Oh Freddie, the great if not the good

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Jesus, did the guy belt it out

Freddie Rocks

Bad luck to all if you don’t care about Xblade ‘puters and the glorious Freddie…yadda yaddda…..

Top of the British Blogs

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Objects of Desire or.... the secret of the Universe

I have to confess – I spent the last week, playing with the Thing from Outer Space, or as Mad Dog called it , ‘The Boom Box from Hell”
He’s just jealous that his A-Drive is not hidden inside the nifty little panel, behind the blue light!

I guess Objects of Desire are just that; and this week’s Object will probably drive ‘little sister’ NUTS!!!!!

It is my David and Goliath watch.

I love it.

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It is red, and it has cartoon faces, plus words of PROFOUND wisdom

‘Mullets get chicks’

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Bloody hell, the secret of the Universe in one line. Marvellous.

What is a Mullet?

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Simple, it’s a hairstyle – and until I did a search, thought it was totally modern, but I have found 18C references to this name.

It is red and I love it.

(and the Boom Box from Hell)

Top of the British Blogs

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Thing from Outer Space

It has come

The Thing from Outer Space

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My XBlade Computer

You can look into the guts of the XBlade computer

It beams rays of blue light when you power it up

It took me all morning to find the A-Drive

Top of the British Blogs

Saturday, October 01, 2005

God Has My Number

A combination of events crept up and clobbered me, by far the worse, is the doom of my computer

It died on me

I got the blue screeen of death, permanently


No matter what, I cannot open the friggin' thing.

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I am having to buy a new one.....
I guess God has my number, like I came up on his computer, an' he pressed the button

And said 'Let it be so'

And it bloody well was.
The doom of computer came upon me.
Friggin' Hell.

Top of the British Blogs