The Kraut and I wanted the bright lights
We hit the fair with big ambitions, and the Big Wheel was the biz.
I loved it, we went up about 3 times that day and took photos like we were the flying women of Rostock. We looked down , yep, it was a long way down.
It was all the Kraut's fault.. the whole thing was her fault; left to my own devices I would not have gone wandering round Dracula's little place.
But Herself had ideas.
"Let's go there this evening" she hissed, all bright eyed.
So we did. After a helping mug of gluvine.
Herself did not approve of being jumped by the ticket guy, whose job it is, to scare the punters. It was OK when they did it to me. I screamed of course, and she thought that was ever so funny. Herself, screamed pretty good.
Plunged into darkness, we sorta flew over a trap door....and a hand grabs my foot. I screeched good and proper.
The Kraut was smugness itself "Of course I drew my feet up, it was a trap door." I protested that she could have warned me
"Of course something is going to come out of a trap door" she explained patiently.
Of course, silly me, its a trapdoor. Thanks Drac, thanks.
I get blamed for everythin. Now this Drac guy was obviously a most suspect fellow, standin there on his balcony, intent on inveiglin the unwary in an unctuous voice. I was havin none of his blandishments, was determined to watch out sharp the moment I crossed the threshold of his castle. Well I should have watched sharp slightly earlier, the ticket guys were most suspicious-lookin individuals, one played a trick on me in very poor taste. Then I really got wary! All those creepies in various stages of deadness playin the piano and twitchin and shakin and THEN our seats go DOWN a staircase, towards a trapdoor, glowing in an unholy red light, and rattling! Nothing good would come out of there! So like a sensible person I drew up me legs, and I certainly didn't think dat Sniv was expectin any promptin from me! That's how it was!
OH really.... and of course, did not think fit to SHARE this information, oh no!
You is so you a scary time and you whinge...I dunno.
Ok Macho Man....I can see that my ordeal is not to be taken seriously.*sniff*
Well well by no stretch of imagination could this be called any of my fault, as i'm sure zaphod will agree, can'tcher watch yer beastly ankles is wot i sez *miffed sniff*
Hey R.F. Bud - all the best for the noo year, and all like that and everything.
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