Off to see Kelly, who does things to me barnet, and mixes potions, about which she tells me now’t.
Just slaps it on me head, and leaves me to wonder what’s happening,
While I cook under the heater, we discuss life, well, men actually if you must know, and I read OK, or is it Hallo, can’t tell the difference.
“It sez here” I read out to Kelly as she arranges family life over the phone, “It sez here that you put on weight at the beginning of a relationship.”
She nods “Meaning that once he’s stopped with the flowers and the chocolates, you can loose the weight.”
I consider that one, damn, I have no quarrel with chocolate. “Pity, that” I sigh and we both stop to listen to Debbie, her assistant who is laying down the law to her beloved.
He’s just had his freedom of movement revoked, and as Kelly remarks “That told him. Don’t you feel guilty Debbie?”
Debbie puts the phone down “No.”
We both look at her, hoping for an explanation. “I told him” she expands “That he could go IF he wanted, but we are supposed to be saving for the wedding, and the house.”
Yeah well, we can all read that one, even blokes can. If they want to.
Kelly surmised that tone of voice said it all, and Debbie smirked “Offered to drive him there as well.”
We snigger and Kelly takes up the curling brush having remembered my hair is still unfinished.
“The thing is” she pronounces “Us women are dominant” waving the brush round to prove her point “It’s true isn’t it?”
She is so right.
Debbie adds ‘Of course I trust him’ pause…’Now’ Kelly forgets about me hair and we wait for the rest.
“Used to go round his place real early, to catch him if in case he had girls there But I know he’s all right now.” Says Debbie, looking like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, all flower faced.
Flower Face adds “When we ‘re married, I’m taking his credit cards off him.”
Kelly ponders her strategy if Hubby two- times her. “I’d kill him” she decides finally.
Well that would sort it out wouldn’t it?
Like Kelly sez ‘Us women are dominant.’
Yep, read this and Believe.
ah, yes, the hair salon where it all is debated and the rules are made. Or, as Debbie says, "Us women are dominant."
My stylist would agree with Kelly completely - as I do :)
(btw, funny how we Yanks have botched up a perfectly good language...sorry - it's the climate here, or something ;-)
Rubbish! It's all faff 'n flannel.
You girls like to think you manipulate uz poor men, but you're only too happy to get out of bed and back in the kitchen if a fiery testosterone-breathing man should hint that hunger is puttin' his fire out!
The Pirate needs a talking to, back in the kitchen indeed!! Yep, little sis, the salon is the seat of power!
I thought you always wore that daft hat of yours.
Don't you malign my hat Sunshine!!!!
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