Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Moving Blues

I’ve moved house

I’m knackered, and a pair of boots has disappeared

Well the hell did they get to? Just walked off, vamoosed, little beggars.

Still, it’s a nice little neigbourhood.

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The house ain’t bad, it has a certain charm

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So here I am in me little attic room…
With me PC , and the telly, can’t be bad

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Can’t find me boots though.

Still, never mind. No place like home, nope.

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Top of the British Blogs


Anonymous said...

I am 'sposin that from the title of yer post and the sad piccies that you is lookin fer sympathy.

Red Fred said...

Well, I can't find me Boots!!! Surely that's enough to wring your heart? Sob.

Anonymous said...

Probably left yer boots 'n earrings cluttering up some other poor bugger's place... or maybe yer old landlady's pawned them to pay for disinfectant!!!
Yep. Reckon that's it.
Natural justice, it's called.

Red Fred said...

I do think the contrubuters to this column show a lack of sensitivity to my plight *fights back the tears* and remarks about disinfectant are uncalled for in my opinion. Certainly.

Anonymous said...

Cheer up, little robin... your new nest is all feathered and perhaps those boots will turn up when you're no longer tired. Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

Anonymous said...

disinfectant don´t come cheap, not ifn it´s a good one. sure it´s only boots yer missin

Red Fred said...

Come back from me holidays to find inferences about disinfectant! Tsk, and thank you AN, for your kind remarks. *Sniff* Other contributors, take note, huh?

Anonymous said...

Well, moving causes the blues with or without lost boots, and now the boots are gone?!? Did you even find them for Easter?

And, well, from the Midwest, I can't detect any need for disinfectant...what on earth are these people talking about? ;)

Red Fred said...

Little sis, you are so so right, disnfectant indeed....

Nope me boots have walked...*sob*