Monday, June 05, 2006

The leafy lanes of Summer (The River)

‘Through the leafy lanes of summer, we will go” wrote the poet, and I’m sure some literary bods will know where I lifted that from. I surely don’t. And while they’re at it, check if I quoted it right. Probably not.

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Yesterday, I walked down this particular leafy lane to the river, simply to gawk at the boats and the people.

Someone had given up on bathing any more…and slung the bath out.

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Everyone was down by the River, There were the cops talking to the lock keeper…

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Along with a very interested cyclist, who seemed to have no qualms about evesdropping.
And when they had done their little chat, trotted back to the boat. I resisted (with considerable difficulty) the urge to hum ‘A Policeman’s lot is not a Happy one..Not a Happy One!” Very sorry to Mr Gilberts and Sullivan, sorry.

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There were the geese who wanted to be fed…..

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‘Got a young family to support yu’ know!”

And the lock keeper’s dog who was doing stuff all. Really he’s a walking carpet, and that’s about it.

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Some people worked on the River

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and some people ran by the River

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A big boat came down towards the lock. Too big.

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No, I don’t know why that dipstick on the towpath was taking a photo of me. (I hope chummy pays up for the copyright). So the boat turned round.

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With a very interesting 7 point turn.

Lots of boats of different sizes filled up the lock And one lone lady canoeist.

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When the gates opened, the intrepid lady explorer led the way.

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Dunno what this lot were doing on the River; looked as though they should be hunting the Snark, out on the ocean waves.

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Well fed crew, on the rotund side, wouldn’t you say? Behind them came Capten’ BirdsEye, and his dog

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That was one happy dog; his Master and Commander, beamed at me as they chugged through.

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Smashing, just how it ought to be. Smashing.

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Top of the British Blogs


Anonymous said...

Lovely. England at its best *not a car festooned wiv flags in sight*

Something really wonderful about sittin' by a lock, drinkin' a tinny and watching people making prats of themselves.

Well make the most of it - that's probably the last you'll see of summer...

Anonymous said...

Dat's our summer you have over dere! Give it back, at once! Insular drizzle for you, continental summer for us, that's how it's s'posed to be. You have yer famous Brit humour to compensate!

Red Fred said...

You, Bloated Bill, may consume several tinnies at a time, so just be careful next time you fall into the boat!

Red Fred said...

Oh bog orff Delicia.....get back to yer mud fields..*yawn* while I enjoy the sun, an' the River....

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Reckon yer gettin' all soft 'n girly on us Red Fred.

Where's the objurgatory, acerbic wit wot we've come to know an' love?

7 out of ten - must try harder...

Red Fred said...

Well Mr Bloater, let me suggest you keep away from watersides of any type....
Ve haf vays of vaking you suffer *kindly smile*

Your chance of survival = 0/10

Anonymous said...

Reelin' in that summer now, come here me beauty, easy does it now, we're at 20° now and risin' ... an' to think that most people will be sittin in front of the idiot box watchin' 22 idiots chasin after 1 ball, while outside nature burgoins an' seethes (mixed metapher I knows) ... at least soccer players have grown more sightly o'er the years, really good legs an' all, but that's still no excuse.

Red Fred said...

This is a fambly show (who am I kidding?) and should we be thinking of Nature burgeoning and so on?
Good legs did you say? Maybe I should check this soccer out
Let me just inform you Delicia, that us Brits call it 'footie'
Soccer...*laughs a lot*

Anonymous said...

"footie"? Yesh you would call it that. Idn't dat jus like Brits. Tehee. Likewhise Gee wheeze. *snorts*

Red Fred said...

Don't you go bringing your Yankee idioms here, Missy. *sniff*

Anonymous said...

I got 'em from Garfield. Surely you can't object to Garfield... such a nice puddy tat ... That dog's really havin fun, can see it in his face... funny the many things you can see in a dog's face...

Red Fred said...

Yes....'dear little doggie' eh? *chortle*

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. I myself have never been anywhere near a lock. Been on Woolwich ferry though..loads of times.