Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Jim the Viking

On the way back from Bally Scotland, I wandered into ‘Asgard Crafts’ and had the good fortune to meet ‘Jim the Viking’. Well, his name is Jim, and he sells Viking things. Obvious, in’it? And here he is.

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He proved to be knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the warriors and their lifestyle. Great stuff. We had an entertaining chat with the Viking, before the Pirate started to ‘harumphh’ about having to drive a few hundred miles back home. (If you think, I meet some interesting people, you are so right.)

A ‘young’ business, the shop is full of some lovely things…..

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And the shields are really spectacular….

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Very impressed by his commitment to making the products for real, and even more impressed by the way Jim researched the production of Viking combs.
He makes them out of bone, like this one, found in York…

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Time to go, miles to cover so it was goodbye to the Viking- but not before buying a pendant. Of a Valkyrie. A shield maiden, you know.
Quite so.

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Asgard Crafts
The Smithy Heritage Centre
Wester Ross
IV54 8YS


Top of the British Blogs


Anonymous said...

What a brilliant link
Must drop in next time I am in Wester Ross

Anonymous said...

Oh! Wah! Dem combs! 95 quid! Wah!

Anonymous said...

*Wandered in, indeed!*
You'd been whingeing all week about wantin' to get there.
Forcin' me to buy all that stuff fer meself 'n friendz...
It was a great place though, and Jim really did seriously research the stuff he makes *and take a lot of time and trouble to get authentic materials*
It's not often I get to agree wiv Red Fred. Waves antlers in air...

Red Fred said...

Yes gilly, it really is a nice place
As for you Missy, no need to be spending 95 quid *briskly*....I suggest you follow my parsimonius example *kindly smile*

Dunno wot you mean Nerdy Nick...mentioned it once or twice, *himpfff*
Never made you do nuthing...*beam*

Anonymous said...

Hi Lady,

Just thought I would say hi! Very enjoyable visit BTW...

And who's the Pirate??? ;-)

Gandalf Siduri

Red Fred said...

Hallo Wizard.....The Pirate? Go here
The Pirate and other Animals
and you can get a picture of the Pirate!

Anonymous said...

I've met this viking Fred or whatever he's called in a market in Peckham. Sold me an authentic viking hairdryer.... Haw haw Cackle cackle.

Red Fred said...

Really, you do frequent some very doubtful places! Told you before about buying hair dryers from strangers...and less of the 'cackle' or the 'haw,' mister.......in fact, none at all.
So there.

Anonymous said...

Poor Zaphod - Trust Red Fred when it comes to authentic viking kitchenware *and personal accoutrements*. I understand that she insists on patronising the J... L.... Partnership herself - she also patronises poor blog readers, too *cackles*. Haw, haw!

Red Fred said...

I would like to point out to zaphod, and you, Nitwit Nick, that I patronise establishments such as JL, because I am a 'Fred' of good taste.

I suggest *dignifiedly* that you follow my example....

Bods. who understand such concepts do NOT 'haw-haw' still less 'cackle.'

And did you know *brightly* that you can leave personal possessions at JL, and collect them later?

Just to save you the trouble of carrying them around, you know.