I came back from bonny Scotland all right- but not alone. I swear that some of those blasted midges came over the border with me.
Snuck their evil little selves onto my person, and enjoyed a good chew. Evil buggers.
Forget about admiring the scenery, just run for the bar.
No wonder, all the locals go around, muffled head to toe. I soon found out why I never saw anyone outside the pub. The midges, always on the lookout for some juicy flesh, descended in a swarm on any idiot who took a moment to admire the sunset.
Do what the locals do. Hug the bar, and look out the window.
Of course, my researches have uncovered the origin of the Highland fling – the midges. Lets face it, the poor wee Scots had to do something.
For some reason, the pesky critters took a liking to the Pirate. Yum, yum, cordon bleu time. Sure thing, they eat anyone, but what a Scotty midge likes best, is ‘Pirate’.
The rotten sods even bit him up the nose – well, I can think of worse places.
A warning to all you blokes, ‘Don’t wear your shorts.’
Sun shining…? Heed my warning.
I’m sure you get the picture.
A final kindly word from your Aunt Fred. Don’t despair, I found the answer for you. This is ‘The first line of defence.’
I kid you not.
This contraption is available from ‘Any good retailer’.
Now why is it that midges and their likewise pesky cousins, mosquitoes, always pick holiday or leisure time to devour hapless travellers such as us poor mortals? Could be 'Murphy's Law' or 'Fate's Joke on the Rest of Us'... My heartfelt sympathies.
Little beasts.....how much of me could they eat! Thank you, AN
Reckon as how they could feast off yers fer a loo-o-oong time... but hey! Look on the bright side. It would improve yer reactions and athletic performance - maybe even get you to the finals of Come *highland* Dancing. Heh, heh.
Did you know that rubbing midge bites with bladderwrack is a sovereign means of alleviating itching and soreness? Haw, haw...
I suggest that Bladder Bill applies the seaweed to his own person; and being so kindly natured, as wot I am....I will refrain from saying just where he can apply the bladderwrack....
Haw haw haw...such a fuss over a wee midge or two million.
*cackles loudly*
Oh indeed..perhaps our verminous friend (he washes once every 5 years) can explain his lack of success in Highland Dancing....too much for the midges, I daresay
and who said you could cut a cackle on this blog? *glare*
oh gawd...thanks for the warning! My Mr. Wonderful has dreamed aloud lately of a vacation to Scotland so he could golf at St. Andrews at least one time in his life....I'll remember to fully cover myself head to toe. The mosquitoes in our backyard consider me quite the delicacy as it is. The midges would probably scream blue plate special when I show up!
Lil Sis...what can I say to comfort you...Um...
Don't go in August!
Anyways.....Golf? I'm sure midges don't play golf *beam*
I is so helpful....and Bloated Bill and Zaphod can both keep their gobs shut. Can't they?
Watch it, Red Fred. Readers who criticise honestly and constructively are the best friends you've got - so there!
Haw, haw...
Well, Belching Bill, on this blog, folks sure do speak their mind, and 'harrumph' all over the place...
I do my best to upgrade the tone ...*sorrowfully*
But my efforts are often trashed by raucous and 'cackling' contributors.....
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