Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Pope's Knickers

Lace makers move into G-strings
Renowned lace makers in the Polish village of Koniakow have found a new way of boosting sales - sexy underwear.
Artisans who used to create gowns and altar cloths for customers such as the late Pope now craft G-strings and other lingerie for sale all over the world.
BBC News

Apparently some people in this region were outraged, and feel that the Pope and underwear shouldn’t ‘co-habit’
Surely the Pope has to wear knickers – oh all right, pants, then.
Underpants, if you are going to be pedantic about it.

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I mean, can’t wear G-strings can he, not even lacy ones – I am trying to wrench my mind away from that particular vision

Hard though….it’s like trying to imagine your headmistress in a red satin corset, innit?

Don’t believe me? Go here

The Pope’s Lace Pants

See? Told you so.

Top of the British Blogs


Anonymous said...

I spose it all comes down to whether you like wearing lacy knicks or not. I dunno about the pope but I prefer boxer shorts.

Red Fred said...

Erm.....could be a demand for lace boxer shorts? Do ya think?

Anonymous said...

I acterly do own a pair of lace boxer shorts *cough* haven't seen 'em as gents wear though...yet...

Anonymous said...

Did I menshun lace ? Did I ?

Red Fred said...

Um,lace, Zap? You can tell us (in my most encourageing voice) there, there....

So, gonna admit it then?
Har har har....

Anonymous said...

Lace boxers?

I don't even want to think about it....but I am impressed that the lace is not mass produced by "mashines" ;)