Vatican under pressure in John Paul push
The first stage in the beatification process that could eventually lead to sainthood, closes on Monday, the second anniversary of the pontiff's death.
At the centre of the case for beatification are claims by a French nun that she has been cured of Parkinson's disease by praying to the late pontiff.
BBC News Online
I do like the subtle note of doubt introduced by the BBC’s headline, and would suggest that the whole thing reeks of ‘fixing’. Ahh, you say, an unbeliever.
Damn right.
All very convenient, this sainthood stuff –Jean Paul, who was more or less chained to the Papal throne in his last few years, instead of being allowed some decent oblivion in a nursing home, was rather keen on blessing and holyfying
So now, it’s his turn.
And guess what, with perfect timing, a French nun, declares her self ‘cured.’ (Of Parkinson’s)
Why is it always a nun? Huh? What about the rest of us, don’t we deserve a slice of the cake, or does God just reward the chosen few, the ones who spend all their time paying their religious taxes?
Ok. It’s just the chosen few.
If it’s miracles the Vatican are looking for, I can suggest one – fine, turn me into a tall leggy blonde with legs up to ‘here’
Then I’m a believer
So let’s all pretend that neither politics or pushy Polish prelates have anything to do with this canonisation of a rather conservative and difficult man. Sorry, Pope.
The last word goes to Church historian Professor Michael Walsh
“Saints can be very difficult to live with - they don't go in for compromise."
How true
And I’ll wait for this miracle, legs up to here, blonde, ect – and don’t hold yer breath.
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I think the real miracle would be to make you a tall blonde with legs up to 'here' while also maintaining your high IQ and wit.
THAT, RF, would be a miracle ;)
Half of Africa has aids thanks to his dislike of contraception...Oh yeah a real saint.
Yes indeed Zap, so muuch for sainthood - a dead loss.
Well, lil sis, guess I shall have to stay a short-arse, and preserve me IQ, uh huh.
I also agree with what zaphod said....saint...mmmrright.
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