Friday, August 24, 2007

Bugs and Other Creepy Things

'The best things in life are free'

I am against the use of clichés, it should be illegal. Wealthy idiots also annoy me and you don’t often find the intelligent use of wealth. But I think I've been proved wrong on both counts.

I’m talking about the Rothschild’s, the family of bankers and philanthropists who did good works in the best Victorian tradition.

One of the endearing things about this family, was their love of bugs and other creepy things.

I’m talking about the Natural History Museum at Tring, (UK) which was founded by Lionel Rothschild, who began collecting insects as a child of six.

It ‘s full of natural wonders, and it’s free. A great place for the kiddies.

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The Museum

The Museum is very child friendly; they can run up and down and no one tells them off.
The children scream, and no one tells them off.
For some.

The children are just as entertaining as the animals. I enjoyed the way little kids threatened the stuffed bears and tigers - the less brave clutched Mummy’s knee, and sobbed.

Poor little mite was convinced that the snarling Tiger was going to leap out and eat her.
Very enjoyable.

I still think it’s amazing we have this collection, beautifully kept, displayed. And it’s free. They even let the kiddies open the 19C cabinets full of jewelled butterflies.

They let the kids bang ‘em shut as well.

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Lionel Walter Rothschild

Very entertaining it was too. A wobbly child made several escape attempts, doing happy gurgling noises as he set off past the cabinets of possums and opossums.

Yes, I do know the difference, so there.

The wobbly child got corralled, but my guess is, it won’t be long before he makes the Great Escape.
However I do approve of making the little ones work hard, and enjoyed the way they ran round with clipboards and pencils, making notes. It was a bit difficult to move sometimes, when the eager note-takers flopped down on my feet.

The only thing I didn’t care for, was the skeleton of the Giant Sloth: actually, it was the remark “It reminds me of you.” that I didn’t care for.

I’m sure most of you will understand.

Put it this way, I suggest you do.

Bibliography and Notes

The Walter Rothschild Building
Akeman Street
HP23 6AP
Tel.44(0) 20 7942 6171

Opening Times
Mon to Sat. 10 .00– 17.00pm
Sunday 14.00 – 17.00

Closed: 24-26 December.

Lionel Rothschild

In 1889, when Lionel Walter Rothschild came of age, his father, the first Baron Rothschild, gave him a piece of land in Tring Park on which he built two cottages, one to house his collection of insects and books and the other for a caretaker. A much larger building designed for the display of mounted specimens was also built and first opened to the public in 1892. As his collections grew, he continued to devote much thought and care to the arrangement of the galleries, selecting especially fine specimens for exhibition and sparing neither time nor expense over their preparation. Thus in addition to their scientific interest, the specimens displayed are outstanding examples of the taxidermist's art of the 19th century. The Museum continued to expand, and in 1910 and 1912 additional wings were added.

Taken from

Hertfordshire History

Other Useful Web Sites

Natural History Museum


Top of the British Blogs


Mad Dog said...

Bugs definitely rule (what else can a microbiologist say?). I'd know idea about this museum -thnaks for bringing it to my attention. It's another thing I'll put on on my "to do" list when I visit Blighty.

Red Fred said...

Mad Dog, I suggest you take a few kiddies with you as well; just think how grateful the parents will be!!
And make sure the kids do their homework.....*laffs a lot*

Mad Dog said...

RF: Unless you want to turn me into a homicidal maniac I think I'll decline that invitation.

Incidentally a few years back I was holidaying in Corfu and walking into the local village when I was offered a lift by a very polite and posh gentleman driving a Mini Moke (how cool is that?). I was later informed that this was one of the residents of the Rothschild estate just down the road in Kerasia.

Red Fred said...

Oh all kiddies then. Seems a shame though; a Mini Moke?
How very snazzy!

Anonymous said...

Did they have a Kraken ?

Mad Dog said...

If they have any slimy sea monsters I'm not going. See here:

Anonymous said...

da kraken is a-waytin in da gutter right beside da museums-entrance .... it may not be an arachnida, but it's got 8 long, long arms, that come sneakin out at night and when nobody's lookin... has anybody ecver done any subtraction of children goin up museum frontsteps and those that reach the kerb? Is the result 0? Thought not...

Anonymous said...

'Ere, RF. Wot you got against quiches, then? Was the cafe at the museum not up to scratch?
Please understand you were NOT compared to a Giant Sloth - it was a Megatherium from Argentina *once home of the biggest of many creatures*. It wasn't even a real one - it was a cast of a skeleton. In plaster, not plasticine.
From the pleistocene, Haw, haw...
It were the speed it moved so realistically wot reminded one of RF - it wouldn't stand any chance at against a Kraken... although those huge thighs and B-I-G claws could do some damage, I'm sure.
Ho, hum. Better quit while I'm ahead.
Exit stage left, chewing on small child whilst batting Kraken away with Megatherium thighbone...

Red Fred said...

Really Mad Dog, you are nearly as bad as the Kraut - 'its waiting down there for you'
Thought you were a proper Science bod. Tut.

As for you Zap *glare* it's in very bad taste to drag the blasted Kraken into this, you knew it would set Delicia off - and I see it has.
Although, I can see the appeal of Delicia's theory with regard to the dear little kiddies.....

Mr Twister lies, I'm afraid his denial lacks the gloss of absolute truth. *coldly*
Nothing wrong with the cafe, and it wasn't ME, who had ice-cream AND cake.......*more coldly*

Retribution, will of course, get you in the nuts
(Or something like that)

Mad Dog said...

RF: I am a scientist. Plague, Ebola or bird flu are fine but slippery slimy sea dwelling tentacled things? No!

Red Fred said...

There you are, mad dog, I guess those slimy sucker-pads are just waiting ta git yer....Think I have just succumbed to kraken-induced paranoia (KIP)
Damn -: