Among the other wartime secrets in the book by Nigel West is that British agents painted one foot blue in an attempt to fool German spies. This was part of a bizarre trap laid for Nazi parachutists.
This led the Germans to believe that British soldiers routinely painted one foot blue so they could be identified as being genuine.
The idea was that when the Germans parachuted their own agents into England with one foot painted blue the Home Guard would be able to identify them as spies and either arrest or shoot them on sight.
Yessss...let’s just do a recap on that one, “Naughty Blue Foot, you Hun, bang, bang!”
Nahh...come off it, the Krauts must have laughed their tin hats off, all the way to the beer-cellars. Anyway, no good is it, if the Home Guard (and their pitchforks) had to do a color check.
Color blindness? Hmmm....? Think about it.
I expect the Krauts wore socks. Over their blue feet.
Yep, that’s it, wear socks! Kahboom!
I watched that. You mean they didn't paint themselves blue ?
Oh shit, foiled again...
Oh Zap, you gotta be more careful... walking round thinking you are innocent, and now being fooled by the Legend of Blue Foot - oh tut tut.
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