Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Charmless but Purple

The charmless one certainly made his mark on the funeral of Robin Cook, and despite my uncomplimentary remarks about him, I agree with those who said that he got it right.

He did get it right, and we don’t have many people in public life today who stand up and get themselves counted. Also the comments made in The Independent on Sunday (online) are worth our consideration.

“Well” said the IOS, “What do you expect if you invite John McCririck as a speaker?”
Exactly, our John is not a boot licker and we have to accept that.

For once Mr McCririck looked nearly normal: view these photographs and tell me what you think. Very snazzy purple threads there.

When he appeared on Channel 4’s news programme after the funeral, he spoke without descending into those very eccentric mannerisms we all love to hate.

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The Channel 4 presenter came to grief as he attempted to insert Robin’s Cook’s supposed lack of religious fervour into the conversation. Our John chewed him up and spat him out.

“Completely irrelevant!” boomed the unsinkable McCririck and proceeded to wipe the floor with said presenter. (Hurry up Jon Snow and come back from your hols.)

Repeating his view, that it had to be said, John concluded the interview by pointing out that Tony Blair is a PM without reponsibility, and in his last term of office Blair simply doesn’t care.

True, Uncle Tony has nothing to loose, no election to come.

By this time the presenter was reduced to nodding agreement, and waiting for the ‘Off-Air’ light to come on. Moral, don’t second-guess intelligent folks who are a tad eccentric.

Surprisingly Mr McCririck has a wife, who he describes as ‘Boobs without any Brains.’ Quite so.

I hope she nails him by the balls to the floor every night.
Yep I do.

Top of the British Blogs

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Charm of an Armpit

The funeral of Robin Cook was marked, and some say marred, with a speech made by a certain John McCririck. Across the pond, you Yanks have been spared the sight of John McCririck.

You lucky sods.

These photographs should explain my remarks. Mr McCririck is a racing pundit, horribly famous for his costumes, and views on women. The comment that only the size of a female’s tits really matter should be enough for anyone, and no need to go further, methinks.

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Yes quite, enough of that.

As a journalist once said he has all the charm of an armpit.

But, Mr McCririck has caused Uncle Tony some chagrin. In his oration at the funeral of Robin Cook,he berated the PM for choosing to snorkel his holiday away, instead of attending this solemn occasion. He described it as a ‘lack of respect.’

Screams of rage from Labour flunkies, and the Downing Street spin machine failed to have much effect on our John. He retorted

“Of course, the Downing Street spin machine has been saying the family were against it," he said. "I know that to be untrue. One family member, very close, said it needed to be said, thank you very much."

Not a lovely chappie, our John, but this time he got it right; expect that is why the folks in the street outside the church were cheering, as they listened to the service.
Yep, bad move Tony, bad move.

Top of the British Blogs

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Miss California Crab

BBC News

California crab is 'fussy lover' Californian fiddler crab females might be the choosiest mates in the world, Animal Behaviour journal reports.
Uca crenulata females will routinely check out 100 or more males before finally picking a mate.

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Jeeze, now that's what I call being really 'Picky! Not just the odd 10, or 20, oh no,Miss California Crab sifts through the panting male crabs by the hundreds.

This is a dame with class. Uh huh.

Top of the British Blogs

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Robin Cook

Robin Cook, the former Cabinet Minister and MP for Livingston, died today at the age of 59 after being taken ill while walking in the Highlands.

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Robin Cook, Foreign Secretary 1997-2001

Tony Blair’s cool response to the death of Robin Cook, his refusal to attend the funeral, shouldn’t be a surprise. Oh dear me no, can’t interrupt our holiday can we?
I don’t think Blair and Integrity get along very well these days.

I’m not the only one who respected Robin Cook for his stance against the Iraq conflict, not the only person to regret the loss of a very rare breed in British politics today.

A politician who had the guts to oppose a war we should never have got into, a war that Blair should not have entered. Perhaps one day we will have a Prime Minister who doesn’t need to hold hands with the USA president all day and all night.

We should be proud we had a politician like Cook. It’s a pity we can’t say the same about Tony Blair.

Let’s remember Robin Cook with some pride.Yep.

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