The funeral of Robin Cook was marked, and some say marred, with a speech made by a certain John McCririck. Across the pond, you Yanks have been spared the sight of John McCririck.
You lucky sods.
These photographs should explain my remarks. Mr McCririck is a racing pundit, horribly famous for his costumes, and views on women. The comment that only the size of a female’s tits really matter should be enough for anyone, and no need to go further, methinks.
Yes quite, enough of that.
As a journalist once said he has all the charm of an armpit.
But, Mr McCririck has caused Uncle Tony some chagrin. In his oration at the funeral of Robin Cook,he berated the PM for choosing to snorkel his holiday away, instead of attending this solemn occasion. He described it as a ‘lack of respect.’
Screams of rage from Labour flunkies, and the Downing Street spin machine failed to have much effect on our John. He retorted
“Of course, the Downing Street spin machine has been saying the family were against it," he said. "I know that to be untrue. One family member, very close, said it needed to be said, thank you very much."
Not a lovely chappie, our John, but this time he got it right; expect that is why the folks in the street outside the church were cheering, as they listened to the service.
Yep, bad move Tony, bad move.
LOL @ "you lucky sods."
ain't we, tho ;-)
Can't believe Blair didn't go to Robin Cook's funeral. I wonder when he became as insensitive as the $hrub...that's awful.
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Now I can resume drinking - lol.
Well, as the saying goes '...just because he's an arsehole, it doesn't mean he's always wrong...'. Too true in this case. McCririck is egregious (funny, I'd forgotten all about him on this side of the pond) but I think quite right on this occasion. Tony should have had the grace to return (at taxpayers' expense) for RC's funeral. He could have done the roundtrip from Tuscany (I presume that's where he's taking his hols) to Edinburgh in a day. Mean spirited bugger!
On the other hand .... well there isn't one really - he should have been there and it is all much worse for being pointed out by the arm of a charmtip.
MadDog, so true, even an arsehole has his moments of splendour!
Sure thing Steve, having your failings highlighted by the charmless one, is pretty much the bottom of the dung heap!
little sister, thanks and enjoy your vodka (and the Red Bull)
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