BBC News
California crab is 'fussy lover' Californian fiddler crab females might be the choosiest mates in the world, Animal Behaviour journal reports.
Uca crenulata females will routinely check out 100 or more males before finally picking a mate.
Jeeze, now that's what I call being really 'Picky! Not just the odd 10, or 20, oh no,Miss California Crab sifts through the panting male crabs by the hundreds.
This is a dame with class. Uh huh.
Very Nice Blog site you've provided.Keep it going.
Information About Auto Part.
is available on this site. Learn about Auto Part
That's funny...a woman after my own heart. ;-)
OMG - I just saw your intro re "no desire to ... kiss babies. Boil babies? Yes of course."
You're too funny!
It seems that in the animal kingdom, now matter how many potential partners the female of the specises scrutinises, their selection is usually based on flamboynacy and maleness.
Hence the need for male homo sapiens to drive phallic sportscars, shoot guns, take their shirts off in public, play extreme testosterone-driven spots, drink, burp, fart etc. Lovely, aren't we...?
In reference to "Autopart" above; this is the fits time I've seen spam appearing in Blog comments. This will be a wretched new trend, I think...
ah, yes, mad dog, Auto Part is part of the spommiting trend...spam that vomits in your comments, unfortunately.
If I weren't consuming Red Bull and vodka, I could articulate how to stop these anon comments, Red Fred...I'll stop back by tomorrow when I'm sober to do just that.
In the meantime, I thought I'd let you know I'd blogrolled you because your blog is tres cool :)
No snogging from CulturedScientistMatchGuy, dammit, but stay tuned, I may snog and shag him yet ;-) And if only he knew I'm just as picky as Miss California Crab!
MadDog, other things the male humans do,is to shout very loudly on their mobiles, so we all know they have friends who want to talk to them, while trying to keep their jeans hitched up.
Over here,(UK) it's the thing to wear jeans at least 2 sizes too big, so they kinda slide down, and with luck, come to rest over the bum.
'little sister', you must be awesome if you can consume Red Bull and vodka, and still write: thank you for the info to come and the link.
And your contributions to this blog!
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