Over here in Blighty, we are the proud possessors of our very own cheeky chappie
Jamie Oliver
He tosses things into a bowl, throws ‘em into the oven with many a “You know what I mean?” and says ‘Booutiful’ a lot.
It’s all very nice, he’s cheerful and is careful to keep his ‘Lunnon’ accent – and he appears on TV a lot.
But I am fed up with hearing his chatty little voice every time I visit British Home Stores - the first time, I thought it was just bad luck, as his advice on how to stuff things into turkeys, followed me round the store.
As it’s Christmas, we must of course hear about that, so British Home Stores were playing a video.
The second time, I realised it wasn’t bad luck, its my doom; there it was again, only this time the tape had got to a fairly explicit part of how to introduce substances into a turkey.
Damn it, there must be some grounds for taking this to a Human Rights tribunal…or do I mean the Turkey Tribunal?