I have been watching the disclosures across the Pond, and I have to say at times my jaw drops open.
What’s going on? Since when did members of a country’s government engage in activities that are potentially damaging to their own country? Since Bush and his minders came into office is the answer.
The unlawful disclosure of an agent’s ID is treason, there is no other word for it; but why should any of us be surprised? Georgie Bush seems to have the moral fibre of a hamster.
(Sorry to all hamsters, folks)
His minders, e.g., Cheney and co., are bandits, they rape their own country, take the States into a war, for their own profit
I’ve said this before, that we can accept our politicians with all their faults; but not, a bunch of bastards with no integrity at all. They dishonour us, they give us a rotten stinking deal.
(Lewis Libby, former chief-of-staff to Dick Cheney)
No wonder, Uncle Tony holds hands with his friend Georgie – both from the same stable.
Over here in the UK, stuff gets murky: Mr Blunkett, (work and pensions secretary) who has been in and out of office, now OUT. A man who is known for chasing young women round London, and then asking them to have his babies (The Sunday Times.)
Also a man, without integrity, and lots of very poor judgement, kinda forgot to tell the House of Commons, his Boss, and any one else, that he had a few business deals going on.
“Conflict of Interest” words, dear David has ignored.
But Uncle Tony has told the BBC that Mr Blunkett is a ‘decent and honourable man.’
Well, there you go, the moral fibre of a hamster.
Sorry you guys, real sorry.
Isn't your own country screwed up enough? You have to complain about mine? There was NOTHING in the entictment mentioning the outing of a CIA agent. The prosecutor went out of his way to say he had made no such allegations. In other words, the prosecutor could not find the WMDs, but he's going ahead with the war anyway. There is something wrong with the United States. Here, when the leftists lose elections, they cram their agendas down our throat through the courts.
Sure I can complain about your country; I have the right and the freedom to do that, as do you. Not something to be taken for granted either.
Also, the United States and Britain, go hand in hand in terms of policy ( not always a good idea) so we often end up in the same sort of poo.
The court, is the ONLY place that the outing of the CIA agent has NOT been mentioned - the story is not over yet, and I suspect there is more disclosure to follow.
Neither the Democrats or the Republicans have the handle on the sort of integrity that I find so lacking.
Mr Blair does not seem to even comprehend the word, or it's meaning. Just why he and Georgie get on so well together.
Well said, RF! I'm not sure what point Lone Ranger is trying to make other than he/she is a Bush supporter and won't brook any criticism of the USA's policies. Well I'm in the position of being able to criticise both the US and the UK. The Valerie Plame affair was a disgraceful piece of political chicanery and borders on treason (a charge the far right frquently throws at leftist critics of the Iraq war). Grand Jury investigations continue and I'm awaiting the findings with great interst. Whether Plame's outers have covered their tracks adequately remains to be seen but somebody should be in prison for this crime. And as for Scooter, all I'll say for now that he's innocent until proven guilty. Oh and also that Al Capone was only found guilty of tax evasion...
That's the point Mad Dog - supporting a political party does not confer virtue.
And I worry that Lone Ranger cannot see any evidence of bad behaviour in the party he/she supports; not in the indictment yet maybe. But how can anyone ignore the increasing amount of material that indicates that the Bush administration deliberately outed one of its OWN agents?
As far as I'm concerned, you and everyone else have every right to complain because the Bush administration have opened up the Middle East for even more terror so spread around the world - all based on lies. Can't say I was sad to see Saddam's sons killed or Saddam captured, but why couldn't they have just told the truth? (at one point, Dubya did tell some of the truth: "after all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad." the other part of the truth is that the Middle East is America's gas station and don't you forget it.)
And they sent Aldrich Ames to jail for outing CIA agents to the Russians, so someone had better pay for outing Plame, but with the way these liars work the system, it's hard to say if we'll ever see justice. I have a little hope, though.
little sister, I am glad you have some hope, I really am. Sure, I can't grieve over the capture of Sadam or his sons' death.
It was a lucky hit. Life is more than just a lucky hit, we deserve and want an administration that works by a decent set of values.
The Bush administration doesn't seem to have any - the more I look at Blair, I get the same picture.
But with you, I will hope for a better result.
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