Monday, November 27, 2006

Wave Your Hat....

This is the Hat that started it all .....

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I thought it was time to prove that my HAT is not so crazy – in fact when you folks have perused this Gallery of Hats, I am absolutely sure the general conclusion will be….

That I know a lot of weird people – you are so right, I do.

Barnacle Bill

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Dr Death himself...

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Then we have The Kraut in this delicious confection…

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and myself as Miss Happy-in-the-Beer-Tent..

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Even MadDog has his Tombstone moments…

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Or you might prefer a Pirate ...

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Can’t understand why the Kraut laughs at me hats, look at this…

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I’m not known as the Great Poisoner for nothing….

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Last but not least, here is the Kraut having a Dr Zhivago moment…and very nice too

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and if you meet this down in the woods…run like Hell

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My thanks to all those who (willingly or unwillingly!) provided the photographs: copyright remains with the owners of these pictures.

Top of the British Blogs


Anonymous said...

Talk about a gallery of rogues...
There is, of course, a theory that some people wear hats to emulate those people who are admired *I wore a deerstalker in my 30's...* Another theory is that hat wearers are eccentric attention-seekers. I reckon you've got a rare collection there, RF.
One thing I will say, anyone who dares to be seen in public with some of THOSE hats sure has got BALLS... and ain't no shrinkin' violet... *pulls hat brim down over face and runs like Elf... erm... like hell.*

Mad Dog said...

Some nice pics here, RF, but that Cowboy looks like he's a couple of bullets short of a gunbelt (or something)...

Anonymous said...

You could have had a piccie of me in me titfer, but me daughters having her stairs moved and so she can't get to her digital camera.

That's my excuse and I am stckin to it.

Red Fred said...

Well Mr CrackPot, if you want my attention I daresay you can think of something...

*understanding smile*

What size head did you say you have? *laffs ever such a lot*

MadDog, that Cowboy looks real mean and should be locked up, so he should!

Red Fred said...

zaphod, get real here - I AM still waiting for this pic of your HAT

*beady look*

So send it....SOON

Jolly Good

Anonymous said...

Yeah but you got a piccie of me an me dog . *beams*

Red Fred said...

Poltroon!! Neither of you are wearing a HAT!
so it don't count...Nah nah nah....*cackle*

Anonymous said...

I say, Hold on there RF. You could offend poor old Zaphod. He may be disadvantaged, unable to afford a decent barnet cover...
Of course, peeps like me use a hat to provide additional insulation for an overworked brain.
Only today I discovered that *poltroon* means a cowardly person(from the Italian poltrone - and the Italians know about this). Thus I think it should not be applied to Zaphod.
If you know different, RedFred, I suggest you keep it under your hat... hmmmppphh! *snorts...*
This depth of research proves that wearing a hat is a good and fine thing to do. It protects and keeps useful information in the head *and incidentally protects the head from the violence of Italian football fans*.
HATS IS GOOD! So there...

Red Fred said...

Look here, ToadSpot...
If Hats are so vundebar, why ain't Zap wearing one, Huh?
And his Dog!

And no-one has a plaits hat like mine *smugly*

Both of you are designated Poltroons. So there.
*folds arms*

Put that in yer Teapot.

Anonymous said...

I must menshun that I have BOTH the official England cricket hats. I just don't have a picture of me wearin em.

Red Fred said...

Seeing is Believing.....

*taps foot*

Anonymous said...

sorry, RF, I don't have a hat...I use a couple of scarves to keep my brains warm.

If I buy a hat, though, I'll send the pic to you right away :)

I think you look cool in your hats :)