Some of us takes the glories of toast seriously – and you mockers out there are obviously not one of us. Toast lovers know all about how a good slice of toast should be.
Basically , brown, not pallid, but brown, and then there’s the butter, lots of it and oozing nicely through the pores.
I tried pitta bread the other day – it wasn’t the same, hell no. Just sort of pallid, and no way was butter going to ooze anywhere, even after being subjected to a hot grill.
Something horribly restrained about pitta bread.
Of course, there’s the way you eat the toast, or rather, where.
I mention this because I like to eat my slice of large buttery toast in front of the computer
But only if there are no witnesses.
Only if there is no-one to see me scatter toasty crumbs over the keyboard, or press buttery fingers to the QWERTY .
Nothing better than a gleaming pc screen in front of me and a slice of butter laden toast to hand.
These are the confessions of a secret toast eater, and you have been privileged to read them here.
Am I eating toast right now ? You bet I am.
I quote the good doctor of Toast: “I'M AFRAID THE ADDICTION TO TOAST is an extremely real and frighteningly common phenomenon.”
I found this web site, I knew I wasn't the only one.
Toast Facts
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